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Melissa S
I have had a catalogue of problems with Very this year. The first being that I ordered a TV unit with I later discovered was missing an integral part to its function and finish. I contacted Very’s ‘very’ poor customer service line at the end of August and after 2 or three attempts I managed to have a representative confirm that the specific replacement part would be sent out to us as soon as possible but may take up to 2-3 weeks. I found this acceptable rather than disassembling the unit and sending it back. But this is where it all begun. After 3 weeks nothing was received nor was there any communication to follow this up since our phone call. I was due to move to another property and called Very as I had had not received the within the time I informed them. I also did this for an order I had placed for two pairs I was informed the second pair of boots and TV unit part would be delivered to my new address and everything had been updated on the system accordingly. A few days later I received an email to inform me delivery of the boots I had ordered had been successful. I called up and queried where the boots had been delivered as I had certainly not received them. To my astonishment the boots had not been delivered to my old address by accident, as I expected but to an old work address. I told the advisor they were responsible for this mistake and would have to retrieve the item as I live in East London and did not work for the company anymore. Appallingly this was met with defence and ended up in a truly unprofessional advisor shouting at me. She would not listen to me at all, I was merely trying to tell her that I had the order in front of me and both boots had been ordered at the same time with one pair being delivered to the right address. However she had no interest in listening to me and as busy going off on a tangent about the order being my responsibility. Eventually she calmed down, after me threatening to report of boots, where one pair was delayed due to a stock issue, but the first pair was still delivered successfully to my old address, before I moved out. I was reluctantly put through to a manager who seemed to be helpful at the time. After explaining the situation the managed arranged for the items to be collected. She informed me that I would not be able to have the item redirected to the correct address and it was currently out of stock. Therefore all that could be done was the item being collected and issuing me a full refund, begrudgingly I accepted this. As I was on the phone to a manager I seized the opportunity to query where my TV unit was. To my dismay I then discovered that my details had not been updated and they still had my old address on the system, explaining why they were unable to locate my account when I initially phoned. Rather than apologizing the manager insisted that I should have not been told it was possible to change an address on the phone and I would have to send my new postal and billing details to Very in the POST. This seemed ludicrous and I expressed my dissatisfaction and unwillingness to do so. Surprisingly the manager then offered to log in to the system and see if she was authorized to do it herself, manually. This was done successfully. I was then told that the missing part would be with me within two weeks. This was the start of the ongoing farce that I am still find myself in. Since then putting the missing part aside, which I shall readdress later. I called Very at the end of October as the figure for the take 3 payments on my account was incorrect. The balance on my account was roughly £150 however the figure for my take 3 was £76. I called up to challenge this as it defied the purpose of a 3 installment payment, if it was higher than anticipated/meant to be. The advisor I spoke to informed me that she would have to fill out a form and send it to the relevant department, to have the amount adjusted. I was told this could take up to three working days. As my payment was due, I queried what would happen if I did not pay on time, as interest is applied if a payment is missed. The advisor assured me she had left notes on the system so I would not be charged a late payment fee and could wait till the take 3 amount was adjusted. I had to call up the following week as the amount had not been adjusted to my account, I was told it had been done and their end and that I should pay the amount stated on the account for take 3 payments. This contradicted what I had been told before, however I paid it in order to avoid further confusion and phone calls. In addition to this I checked that I would not receive a late payment fee, it was confirmed that I would not again. To my shock I was charged a late payment fee of £21 and had to then call up again and explain this to a manager; who informed me that the fee had been removed and I would face no charges. This was in fact incorrect as I had paid the £21 inclusive of my take three payment, without any knowledge of doing so. I spent 45 minutes on the phone to an advisor on the 1st of December who thoroughly looked through my notes and account, upon my insistence. He informed me that I had paid the late fee which was why my account balance was higher than expected, hence why I called. To add insult to injury I was then told than as I had missed a payment whilst the take three amounts was being adjusted. My account had been changed to a ‘flexible account’ which charges 36.9 APR and is based on minimum payment only, rather than the take three account I had before. This means in order to spread out my payment I have to pay a ridiculous amount of interest, through no fault of my own. I was told that it was approved that I could miss the payment date whilst the amount was adjusted. Had I been told otherwise, I would have ensured the payment was made on time. Having contested this with the advisor I was then told there weren’t any notes on my account of me being advised to miss the payment? Complaining I was told that a manager would have to listen back to the call and I could expect a call back within 48hours. It has been one week since this call was made (please see call logs) and I have not been called back. I called Very on the 8/12/16. The first call was made at 14:12 and was to query the status of my missing part for the Innova TV unit. The advisor I spoke with said he would have a look on the system. 18 minutes later I was still on hold so resorted to hanging up. The advisor clearly had no intention of coming back and assisting me nor had he come back whilst I was on hold to apologies for the length of time I was waiting. I attempted to call Very again shortly after at 14:31. This time the advisor I spoke to ‘Jamo’ said he was unable to help me and I had to send an email in. I explained that I had called over ten times in the past two months and had been told I would receive a call back five times, by four managers. He said that my reason and I quote was ‘invalid for escalation’. He would not transfer my call. This upset me and frustratingly I could do nothing other than hang up the phone as he was completely disinterested in helping me. The third call I made was at 14:40 for 16 minutes (please refer to call logs). Once again I explained the situation; the advisor said he would look on the system. He came back on the phone a couple of times within the first four minutes of the call. This was to inform me he was still looking. Thereafter I was left for a further 12 minutes with background noise and no update whatsoever. After saying hello several times I hung up as once again, the advisor had no intention of helping me. I will now readdress the separate complaint of the missing TV part. I have called up six times regarding the item, since the end of August and still yet to receive it. As previously mentioned, I had spoken with a manager at the beginning of October who informed me that the part would arrive within two weeks. This did not happen therefore I had no choice other than to call Very again, mid October. I was informed that the ‘relevant department’ would email me an update on the status of the missing part and delivery sate. The advisor said she was unable to help me, I found this to be frustrating as I did not anticipate an email would be sent. As expected, I did not receive an email. I called Very again a week later and requested that I speak with a manager. The manager I spoke with informed me there was not a record of an ordered missing part nor were there any notes on the system. I was in utter disbelief and verbally complained to the manager. She informed me she was unsure what had happened and would contact the missing part department then call me back with an update. This did not happen; once again I resorted to calling back myself, a week later. I spoke with another manager and explained the run around I have been given regarding the missing part and callback I was still awaiting. The manager assured me she would contact the previous managers I had spoken with then call me back. I agreed to this but requested the item be ordered again whilst the investigation was carried out. As she was taking down the details of the missing part, the phone cut out. I called back and asked to speak with the manager to finish ordering the item. Apparently she was on another call; I was told she would call me back. Unsurprisingly I did not receive a call back or a call regarding the conclusion of that I now can assume was a nonexistent investigation. Unbelievably I had to call again on the 25th of November at 15:42 for a duration of 31 minutes (please refer to call logs). I spoke with another manager. At this point I was so fed up I just wanted the part ordered there and then, rather than the promise of an investigation and call back. Which I knew would prove to be fruitless. The manager put me on hold for a lengthy period of time. I was then oddly diverted to an advisor who I had to reiterate the problem to (I assumed she was from the missing parts department?). After this I was put back through to the manager who told me those missing items departments were opposing the part being ordered. This was apparently due to them being unable to trace back to the original order in my statements. According to the manager, Very are unable to access customers full order history. Due to this he said he had to ‘fight’ to get the item ordered but as it was promised to me he would ensure it would be done. He told me this would take a while to resolve and asked if he was able to call me back. I expressed my doubt that he would in actual fact, call me back. Once again was promised that I would receive a call, lo and behold I did not and was back to square one. On the 1st of December, which I have mentioned before regarding the take 3 payment and interest charged account. In this call I also enquired about the missing TV part and complained again. This time I was told by an advisor that I needed to fill out a form with him, at a cost of £5 which would enable them to access my full order history, and then order the missing part. Of course given the mammoth inconvenience, stress and upset I had experienced thus far I was not willing to pay £5 and this was waivered. I was told the form would take 48 hours to process and I should expect a callback from a manager regarding the item and take 3 late payments. On the 8th of December I still had not received a call back have and was told there is not a record of a form being filled out on the 1st of December. It is now the 15th of December and I am still awaiting a callback. As you can imagine this is incredibly frustrating as I have spent what is in total more than 5 hours on the phone to have nothing resolved whatsoever. I have tried relentlessly to resolve the matter through the correct means, to no avail. I am at a loss with what to do. Four Managers I have spoken with have been less than helpful and promised me call backs on five occasions which I have not had. These problems will evidently remain unresolved are for some reason; Very are currently allowed to treat their customers despicably and woefully break trading standard laws. The advisors in the call centre have shouted at me, left me on hold for a ludicrous amount of time, made excuses to not to transfer my call to a superior such as the managers being in meetings or simply my complaint being invalid for escalation. The Managers have promised call backs that have not been made and more startlingly, phone records and notes have somehow been ‘erased’ or they claim to have no record of the lengthy calls I have made or forms that have been filled out. Absolutely nothing has been resolved and I am now locked into an account with a high interest amount, I have paid a £21 late payment fee without knowing and I am still without my missing TV unit part. Please assist me with this matter as I feel I have exhausted all my options. This situation is starting to stress me to the point I feel unwell. Surely any retailer, especially a large multi-million pound one, should have strict rules and regulations that are legally held to follow. I have searched the internet and it seems that Very take advantage of many of their customers as soon as there is any issue, by using the strategy of delay, ignore and deny until the customer gives up and goes way
8 years ago
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