SCAMMER, CHEATER AND LIAR - Aliexpress Through seller Lovelypuppy Store, Store No.3096039 - TAKE CARE, GO AWAY
I did not receive the products from Order No: 8128179278213060, they were never sent! NO MONEY BACK!
The seller "sent" and Aliexpress published only a FAKE AWB! The seller took my money through Aliexpress, after I have paid to Aliexpress, more than 120 days ago and he did not send me the package!
This is a new form of scam practiced by some seller scammers with the complicity of some Aliexpress employees - search on internet
I am a Platinum member, and this is the third time I see this method in my many orders.
How the trick and deception works:
I placed the order on Aliexpress, I paid, then the seller did not send directly to me, any package, he puts in my order as a delivery a FAKE AWB - for my and he sent a ‘package’ with this AWB from my order, with real data to another person / other address from the same (my) City, a recipient accomplice with him.
Finally, the package reaches that person, he picks it up and at the same time appears on or another tracker that the package in my order has been delivered and picked up (by me)!
In the dispute, I asked Aliexpress and they refused to ask the seller or at least China Air Parcel to show the AWB in order to confront and check if the data is from my order.
Aliexpress asked me in 3 days (2 days in weekend) for proof that I had not received the goods;
Question: if I did not receive the goods, what proof to give them ? It is obvious that Aliexpress / Seller should prove that they sent me the package!
However, I contacted the local post office and I have sent proof to Aliexpress that the package of goods with the AWB from my demand was not on my name and address; it was on another person / address, but the same City, Bucharest; Country, Romania.
Accomplices of the Seller in AliExpress refused to respond to my requests and consider the evidence.
Finally, in order to recover the money and prove that I did not receive the package (I saw how others did), I had to file complaints with the Chinese Authorities: Shenzhen Public Security Bureau Bao'an Branch Police Affairs Office, China Anti-Fraud Office and to VISA.
I lost money, time arguing, looking for evidence, disputes, stress, etc; but it is a matter of principle and justice to expose these scammers.