Aliexpress has a lot of products. I am a Platinum Member too, but I am truly disappointed with too many cheating Sellers on Aliexpress.
In recent years, a lot of sellers are untrustworthy and never send the goods or have a fake tracking number. These orders expire and if you are not quick to open a dispute in the time period of 2 weeks, then you lose your monies to the seller. Even when you open the dispute in time, these crooked sellers will try to con you to cancel the dispute saying it is delayed. If you listen to these sellers its almost guaranteed that they will be paid by Aliexpress without you receiving your goods.
The other aspect is sellers sending you faulty goods. The courier to return them then costs the buyer more than the goods. When this is pointed out to the seller, they often ask you to send it by ordinary mail. Even if you have proof of photos/videos of sending it by ordinary mail, sellers claim that they did not receive the goods, so that Aliexpress pays the seller. Aliexpress is even worse with your evidence and say that there is no tracking number and all your evidence is of no importance to Aliexpress.
I had an SSD disk that I sent back to a company called Golden Fir who conned me by sending a completely faulty and broken used SSD disk worth $60; knowing that the return tracking courier ($55) is very expensive, and advised me to send it by ordinary mail. I had all the photos and videos, but he claimed he did not receive this. Later I found he has done this to several buyers. Aliexpress ofcourse did not pay any attention to my return postal evidence, and his messages to use ordinary mail, and paid the seller to add insult to my injury!
Despite buyers advising Aliexpress of these dodgy sellers, Aliexpress continues to have a lot of fradulent sellers on their site and I therfore Aliexpress has pushed me to not trusting them taking action, and I am buying from other credible sites now. I only use Aliexpress when there are no other sites available.
5 years ago
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