I purchased a LV handbag and it ended up to be a fake one. I contacted the seller and we both agreed to return it back and get my refund. In the meanwhile, I did inform Catawiki customer service by email about this case, sending them multiple photos to prove that the bag is not authentic. Today I got an email from them saying that the experts didn’t find enough evidence and as per their point of view the bag is authentic which is ridiculous! I have so many different models of LV plus the one I ordered, I have the same at home personally purchased from LV. This is so unprofessional and so disgusting what happened to me. They are going to release my money to the seller regardless our agreement with him and the proofs I sent. Im going to look for my legal rights by opening a case against Catawiki. Such things don’t have to happen to anyone. The fact that Catawiki cares about the sellers and their commission only. Seriously???!!! Please be careful with this site because if something happens Catawiki will not do anything!!!!
2 years ago
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