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I used to only wear Ecco shoes as they were the only shoes that lasted and were comfortable. Not any more. Now the factories seem to be mainly in Asia, the shoes are not the quality they once were. Price hasn't gone down either . Shoes also seem a skimpier and narrower fit. And I can't wear Ecco all day like I used to. I have now had 3 pairs where the sole split and/or crumbled into a sticky black mess. Another pair, Mary Jane style shoe, the black sole is turning white at the bottom of the sole and I'm not game to wear them out in case they fall apart. One other pair I wore out and the soles came away and completely fell off as I was walking. Awkward and embarrassing. I put up a review and got a reply saying the shoes were an older design. Sure, they might have been an older design, but they should still be able to be worn without the soles completely coming away when I'm walking. What if I had been an older person out walking and my shoes fall apart ? Ecco management doesn't seem to care about the deterioration of a once quality product, customer care is poor and the price remains high. As long as the money comes in, eh .. Money should be refunded, even in the absence of a receipt and no questions ask when the soles deteriorate/crumble away, no matter the age of the shoes. No more Ecco for me. Buyer beware.
3 years ago
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