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I have had my account for years. I recently uploaded some new work and out of nowhere they suspended my account. They will not give you a reason or a way to fix it. They will only send you a list of potential reasons why they might suspend an account in general. 1. There was fraudulent activity connected to the account - there wasn't. But hypothetically if there was, wouldn't you give the user the option to get a new password and restore their account since their account could have been hacked? 2. The account was found to be in violation of our User Agreement and/or other published content policies; - I don't believe I am, all my work was made by me, and the fact that there is no warning or explanation of what was in violation seems highly unethical. User agreements are incredibly long and have a lot of legal jargon, expecting people to have that memorized is unrealistic 3. The account was connected to a previously disabled account. -I do not have any other accounts, if I did it would be an account that I closed myself, not due to violations. I appealed and was told no and given the same list of possible reasons. So I have no option to restore my account when I did nothing wrong. No one will answer my questions, they just keep sending me the same list of possible reasons. How am I supposed to know which reason it is? And it doesn't really matter if there isn't a way to fix it? This seems really unethical, they are willing to impact a small business with no warnings or answers. I do not recommend using RedBubble.
2 weeks ago
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