Avoid Vestiaire Collective at all costs. As the vast majority of reviews suggest, the company only stands behinds it sellers, and cares nothing for customer service or satisfaction.
I ordered a Ghurka duffel bag from a private seller on December 14, 2018. When the bag arrived, it very obviously did not match the seller's description or pictures. The seller described the bag as "Tan GHURKA Canvas Cavalier II No. 97 Twill Duffel Bag. Leather trimmed zip top bag with gold-tone hardware" and described the cloth as "beige." The bag I received has very bright, tangerine orange leather trim, nowhere in the listing was the color orange mentioned, and the photos of the listing had been manipulated in such a way as to make the leather appear to be the more traditional and common Ghurka tan. I do not like orange, and would not have purchased the bag if I had any suspicion that the leather was orange.
I contacted Vestiaire customer service through their website on 12/25 about the discrepancy in the listing. I received no response (Vestiaire disputes this. They claim to have responded on Dec. 26th. There is no message from them in any folder in my email, spam, trash, or otherwise. Oddly enough, all of their later emails came through with no issue, including a satisfaction survey they will obviously ignore, judging by all the reviews). I contacted them again via email on 12/28, and when they finally responded on 12/29, the only option they offered me to resolve the situation was to re-list the bag for sale with them (which includes a "small handling fee" I would be charged for that great honor, should the item eventually sell).
Essentially, I am stuck with an expensive, but ugly, duffel bag that I will never use, all because that Vestiaire Collective does not stand behind the integrity of their listings, and allows dishonest sellers to describe an item in any way they please, no matter how untruthful or misleading. No one with any degree of English literacy would think think "tan" or "beige" describes bright orange, but apparently the quality and authenticity "experts" at Vestiaire Collective, who were supposed to have inspected the item for compliance prior to shipping, would disagree.
Long story short. DO NOT BUY THROUGH VESTIAIRE COLLECTIVE! Even if an item is blatantly not as described, they will not allow returns of items purchased from private sellers through their web service. No matter the condition or description, Vestiaire Collective does not value its customers enough to correct those situations in a meaningful manner, and the overwhelming number of bad reviews are a testament to their nonchalant customer service attitude. Believe the bad reviews.