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Airparks 1 star review on 6th September 2021
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Security had no record of my booking at all, or my car registration. took ages to get released from the carpark as a result. clearly some problem between Airpark (holiday express) and NCP. Won't use Airparks again.
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Posted 10 years ago
The only problem was the bus driver he was so rude and not very customer friendly at all ...
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Posted 10 years ago
Automated number plate detection did not work on either entry or exit
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Posted 10 years ago
didnt recognise my nunber plate so had to buzz through and wait for someone
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Posted 10 years ago
Your number plate reader didn't work causing problems at the barrier. You should put a key code on barrier as well.
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Posted 10 years ago
Puzzled as to why a request for a review has come to me now as the booking is not to park until next week...
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Posted 10 years ago
I have used Purple Business Parking at Heathrow on a number of occasion and each time, upon retunr to the UK, it takes about 20 to 30 minutes for the Bus to arrive to take you back to the car park. This has become increasingly frustrating and it is dountful if we will use this again. we may look at other options in future. Otherwise everything was satisfactory, but it is frustraing espeically after a long journey.
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Posted 10 years ago
We arrived back at Newcastle at 03.30am and went to the bus stop (the one we thought were we would have been picked up) but we were in the wrong bus stop admittedly the airparks bus driver did not check the adjacent bus stop to see if we were in the wrong place, he just drove off leaving us stranded. I had to get a taxi to the airparks car park to collect my car. Not very happy
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Posted 10 years ago
Very straightforward to park, no fuss which was great. However I was a little disappointed with how expensive it was.
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Posted 10 years ago
Fine going out but long wait (30 mins) for a bus getting back.
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Posted 10 years ago
On arrival at Jet Parks 2 Manchester the barrier did not recognise my reg plate! Then called help. The man struggled with my prepaid refererenc number for about 5 mins. Eventually got the token! On our return at the bus stop at arrivals Terminal 3 we arrived at the stop at 23.55pm It was wet and cold numerous buses called by all going anywhere but Jet parks 1&2. The bus eventually did arrive at 00.24am!! Ihad a word with the driver about being late!!! His attitude to that was not that great. He then set off to the furthest point on the airport at Terminal 2 to pick up the relief driver!!!! No apologies. Not good service! He was late picking everyone up and new it.
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Posted 10 years ago
Why am I having this now? Not going until Sunday 1st June 2014 - hope that still stands.
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Posted 10 years ago
Bus was overcrowded
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Posted 10 years ago
Chose jet parks 2 in Manchester but it took 30 mins to find a parking space.Loads of cars driving around with the same problem! They take your money before you park but don't match the number of bookings to the car park size and customer services were telling people who rang in,as we did,to park in zone V.there IS NO ZONE V. Never again
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Posted 10 years ago
After receiving a great handover when arriving at Gatwick we then got told on the telephone after collecting our bags in the terminal that due to lack of drivers we would have to wait for about 20 minutes! In fact we had to wait 40 minutes! Meet and Greet was not what we had expected unfortunately!
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Posted 10 years ago
I was actually delighted with the service right up until the last minute. We arrived at the carpark dropped the car off and was transferred to the airport. On our return, as instructed we phoned the carpark and proceeded to the pickup point as instructed, minibus arrived within 10 minutes. At this stage I was delighted with the service, everything went according to plan. However that was soon to change, we arrived back in the office and received our keys from the operator. I asked the obvious question, where is my car parked. To which he replied "I have no idea, you will just need to look for it". No mean feat as there were thousands of cars in the car park! So I suggest Airparks, come up with a system or at least train your staff in basic customer service
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Posted 10 years ago
For the money the service was ok, but certainly not great. The distance from the airport and the length of time waiting was significant and getting in and out by car also took a while. But given that it is Heathrow, it is difficult to get a better deal.
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Posted 10 years ago
On arrival I pushed the call button, no reply, this was repeated several times over about five minutes. I assumed the intercom was not working and backed out and went into the adjacent entry point. Called again twice, eventually somebody answered and I gave my name, booking ref and registration. They could not find my booking, but let me. At the desk, they had difficulty finding my reservation and when I asked what was wrong with the intercom system, as I had waited several minutes before reversing out and trying the other entrance lane. I was told they had been busy. It would have been helpful to tell me this on the intercom, after the first couple of attempts to contact the office. If this had been my first booking experience, it is unlikely that I would use your services again. I do hope my next arrival experience, will be up to your previous good standards
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Posted 10 years ago
Waiting for the bus to long after arriving at stansted then the last to be dropped off Not the best by far
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Posted 10 years ago
Airparks is rated 3.4 based on 1,039 reviews