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Today on 17th December 2021 and many Day's, Month's, and year's, in the long distant past my 88 year old Father has had issues with BT with one thing and another and I have been told by BT that a lot of what the customer's have sent in BT Livechat or any recorded phone call messages or recorded phone call would be in or on the system "forever" and they will have proof and what I wanted was there anything I had passed onto BT and I wanted to know if they could look up from 17th December 2021 what I should of made a note of with a notepad and pen really because they did not want too pass on what was on the screen and was actually told it is best speak too the department for Loyalty. He has also had issue's with his eye's he has had laser eye surgery in York District Hospital on his left eye and is yet too have and due an operation on his right eye next year in February 2022. So I am not sure how this will leave him weather it would be a short while or a long while for recovery. And how he will be and what mood he will get into when he wants too go about using a search engine and go on an internet page with the lap top that he purchased or indeed be able too watch all the channels that run through the BT TV box which is too his Daughter is concerning worrying in the very least he has been struggling to place his online Iceland food order and do The National Lottery for many many Month's now which I used to help him do and he could not appreciate my help. I have been sending many emails too the BBC and had typed about my 88 year old Father and weather the BBC could look into making life easy for him and what they could do they have not sent anything back in response yet in anyway and made suggestions like is there a page to save or store all watched tv series and any unwatched tv series would be stored separately all the tv series you have already stored in another place so you just get on type what you want too watch and in my Father's case it would be the repair shop once watch then should give the viewer the option too store or save in a place if he would like too watch that episode again I just want to know if it would be worth doing or will BBC feel it is a good idea and want too take it on board. Father has had many thing promised too him over the Year by BT when Father was trying too watch BT football through the lap top he currently had and was plugged into his TV set with a HDMI cord too transfer all from the lap top screen to the big screen was promised he would receive in our area the post code Y019 5LA Faster Broadband speed as BT had mentioned about Optic Fibres been used too speed it up if Father did want to watch BT football through his lap top into his TV screen this had a terrible reception and the picture quality was not good at all and was always breaking up into little tiny square bits and the football and football player's could not be watched and was really unwatchable in the end and father understandably lost all interest and hope in it and did not want it and then somehow we had found out about BT TV and wanted too see how this would work out for him and yes it works for him and still has negatives about this box as Father would like all BT Football sport channels too be in HD or other HD like SHD or super High Definition like some and not all film he gets on Netflix. I have also discussed with BT on 17th December 2021 all this about Father wanted all BT sport channels in HD and I also mentioned there are channels that he would like too get on and doe's not want too miss and how can he get on those channels and speed up which would mean extra charge and not like the deal that was discussed by the BT sales team on 7th or 8th December 2021 that would or should be a good deal but I failed Father and did not check if it would actually be worth while by checking what BT TV package deal that was agreed a few month's ago and was cheaper I feel if Father had received an email or letter from BT before the BT TV box had arrived that would be better and you could then have the chance too change your mind before the BTTV box even arrives in the post. Father has and I have worked out and hope this is right been with BT for 39 years so a very long time too be with BT a very loyal customer too you me his Daughter had this idea that BT would be aware of all customer's who are with BT and how many year they have stayed with your company but it does not seem that way.
Asked by Abigail sims (3 years ago)
Bt leaves disabled lady to travel 100miles to sign papers and pick up a phone that doesn't work, is it because I'm english and in wales, terrible service for disabled people
Asked by Tracey (3 years ago)
I run a small taxi business with about 10 cars we moved over from a traditional phone line to a VoIP telephone system because we had to change locations. Oh my god that has to be the worst decision I have ever made in my business life I was advised by BT this was the only suitable solution VoIP. For a taxi business VoIP was the worst possible telephone system and it was so detrimental to a taxi company. Every time the internet signal went down we lost phone calls from customers which killed our business. I was just curious to know has anybody else had issues with VoIP and if so what business sectors were you in and how it has affected your business. I am not recovering from the days of VoIP I'm trying to rebuild my business if anybody else has any further advice please help me lol or maybe we have suggestions or advice that could help other people.
Asked by Rizwan Akhtar (6 years ago)
Persevered for almost 2 years with Cloud phone, new handset recently & done lots & lots on online checks. It is NOT fit for purpose & is causing enormous problems - lost business. Need to speak to someone who will actually listen & take steps to rectify/ replace this utterly useless & unfit for purpose device - quickly?
Asked by Alan Blakeman (7 years ago)
Why are this company still allowed to trade in the manner that they do? They are lairs, fraudsters and show total disregard to customers.
Asked by Jon Taylor (7 years ago)