Shipping & Delivery
Delivery Methods
Courier, Postal Service
Average Delivery Time
Within 5 Days
On-time Delivery
Greater than
Accurate And Undamaged Orders
Customer Service
Communication Channels
Email, Live Chat
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How does DP Building Systems Ltd deliver? How long does DP Building Systems Ltd take to deliver? Does DP Building Systems Ltd deliver on time? How is accuracy and good condition of items delivered by DP Building Systems Ltd?Customer Service
How can I contact DP Building Systems Ltd?About DP Building Systems Ltd:
DP Building Systems is managed by people with many years’ experience in the multitude of uses for Unistrut metal framing, fasteners and fixings. We understand the industry’s support requirements and offer free technical support and advice on all aspects of product use which is backed up by Unistrut's own technical design software.
We supply a wide range of Unistrut products, from pre-galvanised and hot dip galvanised channels to stainless steel channels. We also stock cable management products, such as cable trays, cable ladders and metal/uPVC cable trunking to keep your network cabling infrastructure organised. Amongst our varied collection of fixings and fasteners, we have Unistrut cantilever arms as well as channel accessories. Take a look at our vast product range today.
0121 706 7777
Unit 4 Tamebridge Industrial Estate
Aldridge Road
Perry Barr
B42 2TX