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How does EatMyPhoto deliver?About EatMyPhoto:
Eat My Photo, the little sister of Eat My Logo, was created to bring our yummy cakes, cupcakes, biscuits and flapjacks to everyone. Not so long ago, we decided that keeping such award winning, tasty products just for businesses to enjoy was unfair and so, Eat My Photo was born.
We’re a family run bakery based in Lancashire who specialise in printing photos, images and messages onto cakes, cupcakes, biscuits and flapjacks. We print all your photos and messages straight onto cake icing discs (rather than wafer or rice paper) which means, unlike most companies, we achieve sharp, bright images where the colours do not fade. We believe that recreating your memories onto edible products should be a positive experience where look and taste are both, equally important.
Eat My Logo and Eat My Photo began as part of Cakes by Ruth, a local cake shop in Chorley. Our award winning taste comes from traditional cake shop recipes which are still used by Cakes by Ruth; so you can be sure that your cakes, cupcakes, biscuits and flapjacks will always taste as good as they look.
7 Edward Street