Shipping & Delivery
Delivery Methods
Postal Service, Courier
Average Delivery Time
Within 5 Days
On-time Delivery
Greater than
Accurate And Undamaged Orders
Customer Service
Communication Channels
Email, Telephone
Queries Resolved In
2 - 3 Hours
About Made in Tuscany:
We are a retailer of beautiful hand-made bags from Florence, Tuscany. We support the work of artisans going back generations, and capture the rich history and tradition of Tuscany in each of our creations, each one allowing you to bring Tuscany into the everyday. This is easy with a range of bags to suit any circumstance.
All of our Italian leather bags are hand-made to last, so consider each an investment piece for the long term.
Please, if you have any concerns or problems, contact us so we can resolve them. We rely on a very high standard of customer service to create that valued bond of trust with our customers.