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Morrisons Reviews

2.2 Rating 2,014 Reviews
27 %
of reviewers recommend Morrisons

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Morrisons 1 star review on 28th March 2024
Morrisons 1 star review on 28th March 2024
Morrisons 1 star review on 16th March 2024
Morrisons 5 star review on 23rd November 2022
Morrisons 1 star review on 14th November 2022
Jacky Green
Morrisons 1 star review on 29th October 2022
Jacky Green
Morrisons 1 star review on 29th October 2022
Jacky Green
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Morrisons Daily. Berelands road Prestwick. The manager refuses to bag the fresh rolls. Surely this is a breach of hygiene standards. Personally I work in a chemical warehouse so I could have anything on my hands and contaminate the rolls that I don’t buy by handling them to tear off the rolls I want. Also they are hard before the end of the day. I will not be shopping in this store again until things change. It is a shame because the rest of the staff are polite and helpful when the manager isn’t there the rolls are always bagged by staff wearing gloves it’s just the attitude of the manager that stinks and I find her very unprofessional. I have spoken to quite a few local people and they all say the same. She is losing Morrisons a lot of customers.
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Posted 5 months ago
Went in morrisons on Sunday 22 September. Walked in to store though the friut veg and there was a smell that made us feel sick store also looked dirty.we went in for a joint of meat but shelfs were in empty so went to the meat counter and it looked very sad this was at 1130am staff behind counter were just looking at us didn't ask if we wanted help in the end I called him over.then went to the frozen area where there was a pallet of frozen on the shop floor which put me off buying anything as how could it be worked by one person in 20 mins chill chain. In other area there was staff working at with cages and was hard to pass staff made no effort to move as we were in the way.dont think I be going back in there this Is not the frist time shame as it's my nearest store
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Posted 5 months ago
Customer service is rubbish.
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Posted 5 months ago
first time visit to morrisons, breakfast was awful hash brown was really greesy, cuttlery was disgusting t/spoons were stained brown , bacon , i couldn't cut with my knife , so hard,t/pot was filthy stained, needless to say i left most of it. saw a lady putting toppings on pizza's she was not wearing gloves very unhygenic i thought , then to top it of as i went to pay for my shopping the person on the checkout was wiping her nose up her arm needless to say i went to another checkout as not going to let her touch my items thank you very much , all in all on my very 1st visit to this store was not good at all in some of the things i saw & experienced, don't know if i want to go back there in the future.sorry to say.
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Posted 5 months ago
Just looked at new offers with use of more card. Most of points are on their best range products with money off regularly purchased items. On the face of it these reductions look good, however the starting price is usually much higher than other supermarkets and when you look in store many basic food items increased in price when they advertising the changes to their card—example packets of sliced meats increased by 12.5% from £2.00 to £2.25, which is barely a year since a 15% increase was seen. Its just a con to get more people to have a more card thinking they will make big savings
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Posted 6 months ago
I have today called at morrisons at enterprise 5 store for a few essentials including bread & I was appalled to see that approx 90% of bread on the bakers counter(supposed to be fresh) was dated best before 4 Sept 24 todays date is 4 sept 24 .BE WARNED MORRISSONS SELL OLD BREAD (what else) ? I for one will stop buying bread from them in future & check dates on EVERYTHING.
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Posted 6 months ago
Just found out from morrisons fishmonger so called fresh sea bass was frozen then defrosted also it was farmed in Turkey.Also Sea bream the same and Tapia .More than half of fresh fish is frozen and farmed and a tiny reference i minuscule letters almost unreadable at bottom of price tag .Shoddy practice and deceitful to people like me who think the sea bass is fresh
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Posted 6 months ago
I love the Morrisons store by the telephone customer service is abysmal! The service is unfit for purpose,the staff are Kurt, unhelpful,lack knowledge and are unreliable don't waste your time talking to these Muppets on the phone!
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Posted 6 months ago
my order was not delivered and i was not sent any notification as to why, very poor service.
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Posted 6 months ago
Store in Eynesbury, St Neots, has a very lax attitude towards Post Office law. The litter that constantly surrounds the store is appalling and despite multiple requests nobody is taking responsibility for it.
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Posted 6 months ago
Non existing custoner service.
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Posted 7 months ago
re:- Placement of Hydr8 5 liter Still Water Bottles on your "almost top" shelf I have to leave a star but honestly there should be a negative option here, cos Morrisons really sucks - big time - talk about being downright dangerous to your patrons! Morrisons Falside Road and Lonend both Paisley, Scotland, have their Hydr8 5 liter Still Water Bottles stored above head level. I'm 5' 6" and have to hunt for an assistant tall enough to lift them down for me. When I've asked why they are up so high up, out of my reach and not at ground level where I can get them, both stores told me the same thing, "they are instructed by Upper Management WHERE to stack and EXACTLY which shelves to stack the items on, they are not allowed to change that". Apparently if I were to hurt myself trying to get the bottles and sue Morrisons, "it's only money to them". Well Upper Management, NOT to me, I'm 71 and already have health issues and am following my Doctors instructions, which require me to drink a lot of STILL water, 4 liters a day, absolutely no carbonated drinks. I don't need additional injuries caused by your greed for money in placing heavy 5 liter bottles where it can cause me injury, in the hope I will purchase the more expensive "whatever" you want me to buy. Every other supermarket Aldi, Asda, B&M, Co-op, Lidl and Tesco have their large 5 liter bottles on floor level. What idiot came up with putting 5 liter bottles on the second top shelf, above head level? hmm probably some psychologist, with a degree, earning mega bucks. Try pointing out to the genius this isn't a bar of chocolate at the checkout till that you can easily lift. It's water, water is heavy, it can land on your head and hurt you. Sure, I could drink tap water, in Scotland we have excellent drinking water, straight from the tap but I choose to buy it.
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Posted 7 months ago
There is lack of visible signage in the Wednesbury store and on the receipt for returns for underwear which leaves customers out of pocket
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Posted 7 months ago
Every order has something that's off, has an extremely short date. Spend your money elsewhere, this company is in serious decline.
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Posted 7 months ago
Morrisons Morley have appalling customer service, no manager could be found or contacted within 15 mins, and staff are rude. I am sure some staff are lovely but sadly not the ones I encounter. Really need to up your customer service game.
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Posted 7 months ago
I asked the butcher in Morrisons Bathgate Scotland if the ribs were ham he assured me yes they were These are pork ribs tasteless and a waste of my money I am very disappointed cost was £11.00. Time was 3.40 pm Saturday 27.07.24 Why was I lied to this is awful as I am allergic to pork ?
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Posted 7 months ago
The female working sat morning at locksbottom branch express store was a complete nasty ignorant unprofessional rude person and should be sacked
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Posted 7 months ago
Went in to Morrisons in Beaconsfield last week & was greeted by an awful food smell, went to go in today & decided not to, as the smell was so bad, like burnt food, have been using this shop for years, but can’t face it now, will walk up to Waitrose instead!
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Posted 7 months ago
I am sick of been accosted every time I shop in leek morrisons by someone standing on the way out trying to sell or get me to part with my pension for some cause or another. In the month this has become nearly a daily thing.
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Posted 7 months ago
Tried your best paella ready meal and it was awful bland and tasteless
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Posted 7 months ago
Morrisons is rated 2.2 based on 2,014 reviews