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Morrisons Reviews

2.2 Rating 2,012 Reviews
27 %
of reviewers recommend Morrisons

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Morrisons 1 star review on 28th March 2024
Morrisons 1 star review on 28th March 2024
Morrisons 1 star review on 16th March 2024
Morrisons 5 star review on 23rd November 2022
Morrisons 1 star review on 14th November 2022
Jacky Green
Morrisons 1 star review on 29th October 2022
Jacky Green
Morrisons 1 star review on 29th October 2022
Jacky Green
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Morison more expensive them Waitrose!!!!! Bread I buy always the same !!!! Morisson price 1.50 but Waitrose is always !!! 1 pounds !!! I notes my bills for food in Morisson gone v high recently !!! Today wanted to peaches and on the shelf says OLD PRICE is 50 pence !!!!! When come to the till was 1 pack !!!! 2.85 pounds !!!!! So I refused to buy ! On on Gala melon on the shelf is written 2 for 3 pounds but price on the till was 1.75 each !!!!! Is horrible to treat loyal costumer!! !!!!!!! Like that !!!!
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Posted 7 years ago
Camden: There seems to be no logic as to what they keep in stock. Common items just go missing for weeks at a time. Recently they revamped the store so that the majority of fruit and vegetables are no longer prepacked, but you can select and bag them them yourself - great idea except that last Saturday out of 8 bag dispensers only 2 had bags in, and I took the last bag from one of them! This was at 9:00 am so I don't think there had been a big rush before me. There just seems to be a general lack of interest from both managers and floor staff.
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Posted 7 years ago
Morrisons is relatively cheaper in a lot of items than some leading supermarkets.
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Posted 7 years ago
lower prices
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Posted 7 years ago
A terrible company that regularly runs out of certain items and fond of selling best before foods after the bb date and not offering discounts. People, no matter what you are told in store ie (oh but sir/madam, it's still fine). Well, it is not "still fine". It really isn't as fresh as the day before the bb date. Common sense really isn't it, but not, it seems, to Morrsions staff. Bb dates do not mean the food is unsafe after that date however. Ok. Let's clear it up. In a nutshell from the FSA. "Under European law, best-before (BB) dates show when food is at its premium quality, while use-by (UB) dates show when food must be eaten by before becoming a potential health hazard. 'It's up to the consumer if they want to eat food past its BB date,' says a spokesman for the Food Standards Agency (FSA). 'It only indicates that the food will "not be at its best". 'However, UB dates are useful. The manufacturer will have placed this information on the label to show when a food could cause food poisoning if eaten, especially important for children, the elderly and pregnant women.' There we are then. All cleared up legally.
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Posted 7 years ago
Have been using Morrisons online food delivery for some time now. The drivers up until this point have been great. Just had a delivery and the driver was very rude. He even threatened not to deliver my order - for not listening to him! Long story! I am shaking still even after an hour. Not quite sure what to do other than not use Morrisons again. I have used online shopping for years and years and never every had any problems or been threated like this before!
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Posted 7 years ago
Staff are friendly, helpful and genuinely sincere - Ebay's guarantees are a great confidence booster when buying online - when things have gone wrong there system is quick and easy to follow to get positive results.
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Posted 7 years ago
They chat away & are always happy to help me with packing .
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Posted 7 years ago
Easy to shop online but nearly every time I shop something is squashed or broken when delivered.
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Posted 7 years ago
Er, most things went wrong. No skimmed milk on shelves. Out of stock of my potatoes. Eventually found an assistant who got the milk from the back. Asked for the potatoes, was told none at back either. Queried all this at customer services. Was told the ordering system doesn't work and fails to order early enough. Milk not put on shelves ' because people might come in and buy it and there wouldn't be any left for other customers!' This is madness!! Rang Head Office Customer services who rang the store. HO rang back and assistant manager said the milk conversation never happened and there were plenty of the potatoes out back. So why was I told there weren't!??? And why accuse your customers of lying, especially when there is a witness to the conversation? These issues have been getting worse for months. The local Aldi is rammed and this Morrison's is deserted Only good thing is that the Morrisons car park is nice and empty! And likely to get more empty, I feel.
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Posted 7 years ago
Been to Redcar store and a lady called barbara is a shining example of customer service..she saved me lots of time by showing me where the products were all the time smiling and chatting..thumbs up.
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Posted 7 years ago
Very pleased with the service at the till Sue was excellent well informed and helpful
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Posted 7 years ago
Been reading the reviews and have a problem with some. How on earth can someone give them four points and then give a bad review. Morrisons are, by and large, a seriously at fault company from their atrocious fresh produce to their bread and bad management locally. Staff moral in the stores I have been in is low at best, and the utterly ludicrous issue of them needing a certain amount of good customer feedback per week should stop. Supervisors harassing checkout staff and a too often running out of carrier bags in some stores. Fresh fish which has obviously been previously frozen and please, do check sell by dates!! Stop asking customers if they have a discount card. If they have one they will present it to you as they want the discount or whatever it is. Please do give those little FREE bags to put ones plants in and not wait to be asked for them. I am tired and weary of Morrisons stores, and yes, I know, I do not have to shop in them. I do try to get most of what I need elsewhere.
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Posted 7 years ago
Great prices on meal deals, and a good selection of everything else as well!
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Posted 7 years ago
Friday 29th September in Dover Kent store. The usual things wrong especially on the bread area. Fresh bread. Most of this is beyond it's best before date. IE...It will have best before the 29th, but today was the 29th. This means that it was better yesterday on the 28th. Nearly all the so called fresh bread is like this on a daily basis. Then why is it not ever priced down? Then there are the many items with out of stock labels in place instead. Why? I don't go there to find things I want regularly are not there. But, there is worse to come. I have for a long time been getting irritated by so called check out supervisors trying to rush me and others along to another checkout. Okay, so they want the lines to roll along smoothly without queues building up. Why cannot they understand that many many people have a checkout they like to go on regularly because of the friendly operator on it. They do not mind a bit of waiting to do so. They do not want to have anyone get annoyed because they won't move to another queue. What a cheek!! Also at the same store there is pressure to check out using self service. I don't use self service!! Why? Because every self service checkout represents someone out of work. Not only that but the cost of paying someone to check my goods out on a checkout has been factored in to the price of items. Self service checkouts? Offer people discounts to use them. Soooo, I decided to give Aldi a try the other day. No checkout pressure, no self service checkouts and cheaper prices for many items. Not all products are good quality but many are, and better. So, Morrisons of Dover, you need to get your act together.
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Posted 7 years ago
I would love to know the real truth behind Morrison's carrier bags lol, is one entitled to a free bag if one buys fresh meat, every cashier says different, one cashier will say 'free bag if you buy any fresh meat product while another says 'nope you only have a bag if its fresh meat from the butchers counter' huh? so does that mean the meat is unfresh from the counters then... very puzzling lol another will say 'Im not sure, so have a bag on me' hahaha the mind boggles :) Also I would love to know how many more hundreds I need to spend to achieve a five pound voucher with points? lol
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Posted 7 years ago
had everything i needed
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Posted 7 years ago
Three lovely guys in Morrisons Lincoln helped me track down a bottle of Creme de cassis - full marks to all of them!
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Posted 7 years ago
Visited Welshpool Morrison's this morning. Went to the deli counter and waited nearly 5 minutes to be served ( there wasn't anyone else waiting) The girl was there but was preoccupied with another task. Went to the magazine isle to find the current magazines had not been put out. At the till the girl was more preoccupied with chatting to her colleagues than serving us. On returning the trolley found the line of used trolleys half way across the road as no one had collected them. I wouldn't normally shop there but for certain items that are better than Tesco. At Tesco the attitude of the staff is far superior and very helpful
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Posted 7 years ago
How disgusting I went to my local Morrison’s in sidcup to buy 6 loads of fresh bread when I asked for them to be sliced the young girl took them out the trolley threw them on the side after slicing them threw them back into the trolley and said in future if u want more than 2 loafs you need to phone and order them I spoke to the store manager whom said that was rubbish if it was 20 loafs then yes but 6 loafs would be fine and did not need to be ordered I came home and contacted head office that didn’t really want to know the lady contacted the baker manager that said the reason the young girl was throwing the bread was because she was frustrated and she had told me before that I needed to order the bread which is rubbish she has never served me before and I don’t see how that can be a excuse for the way she treated and spoke to me and threw my bread about I only go in once a fortnight and get 6 loafs of bread to freeze this type of customers service is appalling but no one seems to want to know or do anything about it
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Posted 7 years ago
Morrisons is rated 2.2 based on 2,012 reviews