“A low and skuzzy trick indeed.
Delays and cancellations are inevitable - but having a 28-day restriction on claiming compensation for them is a low and skuzzy trick.
Tweedbank - Edinburgh 18:50 on 8 July cancelled at short notice due to "staff shortage". Should be 50% refund, according to the website - arrival time 30 mins late.
However, as I was busy and preoccupied with taking care of my father - in and out of hospital for cancer treatment - over the last 4 weeks - I appear to have missed Scotrail's deadline.”
“The worst ever travel by train journey, 2 carriages every single seat booked. Aberdeen to Inverness standing room only from Aberdeen folk in the toilets in luggage racks
It is very likely I will never by choose take a scotrail train again truly awful service”
“At Bathgate Station Sunday service there are staff on duty but they will not help at all.
Staff went into the staff room but avoided helping waiting customers and pretended they weren't there when one fed up customer knocked on the door.
One customer was desperate for the toilet and couldn't get the key.
Another was waiting to buy a ticket at the OPEN counter position.
Absolute disgrace.”
“Terrible terrible services. I started a job in Edinburgh like 3 months ago and these trains are always delayed or cancelled last minute. I never experienced something like this in my entire life of 30 years old. Absolutely horrible.”
“Worst journey ever from Edinburgh to inverness ...no heating at all in our carriage for a four hour journey in freezing conditions .....no kind of service for getting a hot drink ...Toilet was working ...no soap...there was water...no dryer....so no good like the rest of the journey...but I guess we are stuck paying for a crappy service until something changes.”
“Purchased tickets from Edinburgh to Inverness. The train stopped in Perth where they announced the train was cancelled. Filed a claim (Reference SR/DR/20221017/BDDF) for reimbursement which is not being honored because I can't produce a "spoiled ticket". WTF is a spoiled ticket? My receipt combined with the fact that THEY CANCELLED THE TRAIN, should be sufficient. PO'd beyond words. I recommend hitchhiking over this mode of transportation. Buyer Beware!”
“Their online Delay Repay request process is a farce. The process requires you to give them a physical postal code in Scotland (even though I don't live in the UK), so I selected one at random - turns out it's irrelevant, since they email all communications and refund via your credit card. The language on their website and emails requesting more information, then denying your claim, are clear as mud. Apparently, if you request a refund for a one-day ticket, you can't use the online request process but must go to the station where you purchased it. For anyone who doesn't live near there or travel there often, that's all but impossible.
My entire one-week ScotRail experience, from advance ticket purchase to onboard service to enroute miscommunications to service delays, left a very poor impression on my first-ever trip to Scotland.”
“In order to keep the peace and not disturb or affect other passenger's experiences, you're not allowed to run, skate, bike, vape, litter, drink alcohol etc. Understandable.
Oh, but when footy comes around, all rules are void. I witnessed the full beauty of how people make glasgow. You're allowed to drink, smoke, scream, wear colours, wave flags, carry a knife, wave your bits around, dump your chippys, gang fight, disturb other passengers about how great your team's legs are, set off fireworks etc etc.
Football makes Glasgow. Keep it up scotrail. Ya bunch of wonderful people.
Great prices too.”
“Charged £24.40 for a £17.90 journey. I couldn’t get to the ticket machine as it was too busy. Conductor was about to charge me £22.00 but decided £24.40 was better. RIP OFF merchants.”
“The worst service I have ever had in my life. Far too expensive!!! They keep taking the prices higher and higher according to what????? No one knows. This service don't worth a single penny. Disrespectful, rude, they lack of staff, terrible online service, they never pay me back the refunds I asked for, what makes them THIEVES, not to mention all of the delays and cancellation without any notice until the very last minute!!!! Of course I did receive NO refund even of they were responsible for all that trouble, discomfort and inconvenience they made passengers feel. Please NEVER use scotrail to travel... NEVER!!!!”
“I bought a train ticket on 27th August for a 24th October train from Oban to Glasgow (12:11 - 13:25), tying in the the ferry to Oban to Craignure which arrives at 11:56. My Mum happened to check the train times and now there is a replacement bus service, but the bus leaves Oban at 11:55, a minute before the ferry gets in so I will not be able to make the connection. I have received absolutely no communication from Scotrail about this change. It will be inconvenient to make alternative alternative arrangements as it is, but if my Mum hadn't happened to check, I would simply have missed the bus and it would have been even worse as I have an onward train to make from Glasgow to London. I bought the ticket online, so Scotrail have my email address. Scotrail should notify people who have bought tickets when the departure or arrival times change. It's just common sense.”
“Dont EVER EVER EVER buy tickets online, go to station And buy them, if your service is disrupted, start praying for a refund, because you will have to jump through hoops and wait at least 5 weeks for refund, and send your tickets back to scot rail half a dozen times, by taking photos of cut up tickets, well I wont support your strikes coz your online service is very poor.”
“Customer relations at scotrail
Got to love when you sent from pillar to post by these guys you call them only for them to tell you you need to email them so you email only for them to not reply until a week later, you reply to that email only to wait 2 more weeks for them to reply! Yet you send in an email with a bit of sarcasm and you get instant replies. These people don’t care about any issue you have as all they’ll do is ignore you in hope that you’ll get bored or forget about them . Poorest customer service I’ve ever experienced.”
“Absolutely awful service. Always problems. Third world countries got better service. I'll never use trains around Glasgow again. Car for me from now on .”