“I now own three stuhrling watches and I have bought my grandson one because he wanted a good dress watch. I always get compliments on them oh, and I love the automatic watches since I collect watches and just got through putting new batteries in 25 watches. Bravo Sterling. Great attention to detail.”
“I now own three watches that I purchased from your company. Love them all. Have never had a problem with them just battery changes. This says everything to me about your company. My orders were always delivered in timely fashion. I receive almost daily emails with products available. Thank You.
P.S. To the extreme dismay of my wife I am sure I will be purchasing more watches from y’all. LOL”
“This watch is beautiful. That's why I bought it. Poor quality however. The minute hand fell off after only one week. I sent it back in for repairs. Since I got it back two weeks ago nothing else has broken on it. It does lose about a minute every day though, so it's disappointing. I will keep it just because of the way it looks, not the way it functions.”
“Horloge miste een as in de schakel, bij de juwelier een nieuwe in laten zetten, de kosten binnen een dag op mijn rekening.
Prima service, ik ben tevreden.”
“Stuhrling really care a lot about customer service and satisfaction and are building a great reputation in the watch market. Throughout my dealings with them they were enthusiastic about keeping me informed about my purchase and its aftercare. It is more like joining a watch club than making a purchase and the quality of their products is really outstanding. When so much that you see online these days cannot be trusted it is nice to find a company that can and who delivers exactly what you see..”
“My wife bought me a Stuhrling watch a few years ago for Christmas and I really liked it. I ended up paying attention to the website and must have gotten an email list. I get the notices of the warehouse sales (HALF-OFF!) and I got my latest watch, a real stunner because of the warehouse sale notice. Thanks!”
“Meine Uhr ist nie abgekommen und ich habe nur Ärger mit der Post und PayPal sowie mit Visa. Die Sendung ist nie angekommen und von Stuhrling
kommt auch nichts. Nie mehr bestelle ich bei Ihnen !”
“Very pleasing on the eyes! I had my Depthmaster 883 for about a week when I found myself at a local pub knocking back a pint. When I ordered my second, a very nice young man two stools to my right complimented my watch! Then he showed me his. He was wearing a $15,000 Rolex! It was nice looking enough. But it was not a submariner and did not have the 'easy on the eyes' appeal that my humble Stuhrling has! Of course I was obligated at this point to say, "nice watch too".”