Never invest money in this! This group will take your money, obstruct any attempts to get it back, and just ask that you keep paying "taxes." Never give them access to your bank account details. They pilfer. Thankfully, C_*O_*N_*C_*E_*P_*T_*S_*T_*R_D.C_*O*_M was found, and I could immediately put my trust in them. They went above and beyond in their service, returning all of my winnings and money in a matter of days.
- Lily Gianna
Don't put any money into this! This organization will seize your funds, thwart all attempts to release them, and only demand that you continue to pay "taxes." Never provide them with your financial information. They steal. Fortunately, L-O-U-D-O-U-I-N*COM was discovered, and I was able to trust them right away. In a matter of days, they returned all of my gains and money, going above and above in their service.
- Anonymous
Many users have reported difficulties in contacting customer service or getting a response regarding their concerns.
- Joan Kelson