Redbubble Reviews

2.3 Rating 953 Reviews
31 %
of reviewers recommend Redbubble

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Redbubble 1 star review on 11th May 2024
Redbubble 1 star review on 11th May 2024
Redbubble 1 star review on 27th December 2023
Redbubble 1 star review on 27th December 2023
Redbubble 1 star review on 27th December 2023
Redbubble 1 star review on 3rd November 2023
Andrew Grinage
Redbubble 1 star review on 3rd November 2023
Andrew Grinage
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Ive been using redubble for years and when i had trouble they sent me another shirt for the bad ones, but now they didnt use underbase on the 4 shirts i ordered and they say its bcs its in neon color so thats why its dark (a lie) Underbase is a white coat so you can print the colors and actually see them on dark shirts They gave me a coupon for the full price, but what the hell, do they use underbase or it was a mistake, because i dont want to get shirts which designs can be barely seen
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Posted 3 years ago
I bought a hoodie and a case for phone.Very pleased with it.Will buy again.
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Posted 3 years ago
Redbubble support is a joke. I filled a complaint because my work was coppied by other artists. And following my own complaint Redbubble deleted my own design! I filled the counter notice, described the situation and provided my document for verification, but there is no reply at all after 2 weeks! And my stolen design is again coppied by others!
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Posted 3 years ago
What started out as a great site, easy to navigate and get your store up and running turned out to be the complete opposite! The remove your artwork without any explanation, yet they allow obvious copyright artwork to be sold on their site. Like many of the others have experienced, Redbubble DOES NOT respond back to you 99% of the time. And when they, they just send out a form letter with ZERO explanation. It is sad that they have a monopoly compared to other similar sites.
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Posted 3 years ago
Ordered things 5+ times and have never once received it on time. It always “gets lost” and the re-shipped Customer service offers nothing but excuses and little to no assistance to make a situation right. Worst customer service I’ve ever experienced.
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Posted 3 years ago
Theifs theifs theifs I bought a T.shirt from them 1 month ago I've ask for a refund never got it back sent back the T.shirts so they have my money and T.shirt never again.
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Posted 3 years ago
Redbubble used to be really good quality, but the last two times I ordered from them their stuff is worse than a lot of free t-shirts I've received at events. Within one single wash (in cold water, inside out, hang dried) the print was already shredding. I've only washed it three times now and it's not even recognizable. Years ago, the shirts were from a different manufacturer called Canvas and they fit well, and held the print for a long time and were accurately sized more or less. Since then, they've switched to Gildan and the quality if horrendous. Scratchy cotton, sizes are legitimately all over the place and you don't even end up with the same style of cut despite ordering the same style tee. I don't know if this is an issue with their Canada supplier, as I know they outsource the printing to various warehouses but it's so terrible now I legitimately will never order from them again. The only reason it's 2 stars is because after complaining to them I received a full refund after sending them pictures of the horrendous quality. Don't waste your money if you're ordering shirts.
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Posted 3 years ago
Bought a tank that I received feb 2021 and the print on it is rubbed off and left with a basic black tank for 20 something bucks...there are no words to express my disappointment
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Posted 3 years ago
Absolutely rubbish quality. Deserve 1 star max.
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Posted 3 years ago
Absolute trash company. ZERO customer service. They have made it impossible for people to contact actual employees. If your order is screwed up...... guess what.... you just gave them money that you will never get back. Congrats.
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Posted 3 years ago
Purchased a Barney sweat shirt for a Christmas gift. The last time it was washed, the shirt came out with the logo gone. Sent info to company but stated it was out of return period. I have never had a transfer just disappear. As a company you would think they would want to please the customer, its not this company. I would stay away if you want a transfer to last more than a couple months. I wish I could put up picture of shirt. There is only a few white spots on a black sweat shirt. This item was not even worn much.
Redbubble 1 star review on 27th March 2021
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Posted 3 years ago
Red Bubble is a trash website that censors anything that they don't politically align with. People working here are pathetic losers... How do you say you're for artists when you censor everything?
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Posted 3 years ago
Had a fraudulent charge on my credit card. Redbubble refused to provide me with the transaction details and referred me instead to the police. Even though my own card was used for the fraudulent purchase!
Redbubble 1 star review on 25th March 2021
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Posted 3 years ago
The poster I ordered arrived and I wasn't happy. The print was badly pixelated. I contacted RedBubble (at a weekend) and received a reply within minutes. They had investigated and identified an issue with the member-supplied source file. They offered a voucher. I rejected this and was immediately offered a full refund. All within an hour. This is exceptional customer service.
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Posted 3 years ago
So I have made a two purchases from redbubble purchases in the last little bit and both have been awful. I liked the design but the products are horrible quality. The poster I ordered was late. When it arrived the packaging was a little bent and the poster was too. Thats fine I totally understand things happen. But the print quality wasn't much better than of I had made it at home on my printer. The colours already looked faded. The shirt was just as bad. It was super low quality. I don't think I will even wear the shirt. For the prices they charge it is not worth it. I understand having to pay the artists but you guys charged me 35 bucks for a 10 dollar tshirt. Hope the arts made like half of that but I doubt it
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Posted 3 years ago
Ordered a T-Shirt from them. Was waiting and then started to track where my item is. Their carrier said it was sent back to the sender because my address is not correct. I checked my address and there were no mistakes all good. Even Google Maps could easily find it. So I wrote a message to them that this address is correct and no one ever missed anything. So their Bot said, don't worry we are sending a new T-Shirt for free. I said: "thank you very much", and then their Bot repeated their last message once again. After a while, I started again to track my second item, which was sent right after a first failed attempt. And again, their delivery service said that my address does not exist. So I wrote again to them, and their bot responded that I might have to wait for another week. Ok no problem. Then After a week, I tried to track again and they said again that my item returned back due to a "wrong address, or no answer, no contact with a buyer". This is LIE. No one ever tried to reach me, not by e-mail, not by phone. Only after my phone call to my bank solved this issue, I simply canceled my transaction with them. This is the first and last time I do business with them. But now I understand that Redbubble is a joke!
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Posted 3 years ago
Ordered a phone case. I did not like the color so they issued me a voucher, and told me I didn't have to return my order. Thanks, RedBubble! Been buying from them for years now, a great service! ( also everything came in earlier than expected)
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Posted 3 years ago
It's fine that they make their money off the backs of artists rewarding them with low commissions, but its another thing where they overly censor designs they say falls outside of community guidelines. Its basically a sellers platform that rolls Facebook, Twitter and Instagram censoring all into one. The only advantage is that they do all the marketing, and handle all customer inquiries. I also had an artist literally copy one of my designs, and give them credit for at least removing that design. (They should have at least banned that artist all together for doing this though). I've decided to literally delete all my designs as there are better platforms available.
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Posted 3 years ago
Ordered a print, the print was OK, but then I got a custom demand for £17.00 from Fedex carrier. Wouldn't use them again!
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Posted 3 years ago
I ordered 4 printed mask that were so poorly produced the message on them was obscured. One reads POSTAORKER instead of POSTAL WORKER another reads HOCKENIGHT IN CADA instead of HOCKEY NIGHT IN CANADA the third mask reads DON'TGE ME instead of DON'T JUDGE ME. The fourth mask is legible bur poorly centered so the stitching nips the top of the wording. After viewing the photos Redbubble offered to reprint the masks. Apparently they have no quality control because the reprint was no different than the original. I asked for a refund to be credited to my Visa account since that is how they took payment but they claim that because my refund is greater than the purchase price I have to open a PayPal account. I have to jump through hoops just to get my money back...and that's not going to happen. I'm currently mired in a battle of wits with their automated customer service, they haven't responded to my last email. I think they ran out of stock answers because we seem to be going around in circles. The masks cost $122.68, Customs charges were $28.50 for the original shipment and $24.08 for the reprint. I'm out $175.26 for these four pieces of garbage.
Redbubble 1 star review on 7th March 2021
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Posted 3 years ago
Redbubble is rated 2.3 based on 953 reviews