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The Thompson Method Reviews

5.0 Rating 298 Reviews
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of reviewers recommend The Thompson Method
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About The Thompson Method:

The Thompson Method is a gentle, evidence based method towards a gentle birth and pain-free breastfeeding experience. It was created by Dr Robyn Thompson, a midwife with over 45 years experience who was awarded a PhD for her research into why so many women were being discharged from hospital with painful nipple trauma and other breastfeeding complications such as engorgement & mastitis.

The Thompson Method challenges the forceful breastfeeding techniques, linked with painful nipple trauma, that are commonly taught in most hospitals. It’s for ALL women who want to breastfeed, but particularly those giving birth in the hospital system because it offers a gentle alternative to help women AVOID the most common and painful breastfeeding complications.

But it’s more than just the technique on how to get a good latch. It is that, but it’s so much more...

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The Thompson Method 5 star review on 18th September 2024
Lauren H
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 18th September 2024
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 9th September 2024
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 4th September 2024
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 27th August 2024
Elizabeth B
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 7th August 2024
Brianna C
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 4th August 2024
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
I purchased this program while I was pregnant. My son ended up delivering early and I was so glad I went ahead and combed through this program early on into my pregnancy! In the hospital I was very adamant that I was using this method and advocated for my rights to baby (3 golden hours, etc) and by the time we left even nurses were shocked by how well we had established breast feeding! I give it all to the program. We’ve been 4 months EBF so far and I couldn’t be more proud!
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 20th August 2022
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Posted 2 years ago
We celebrated my first breastfeeding milestone of 16 weeks today. I am very excited about this! I had a rather heartbreaking experience with my first. As much as we tried, I was unable to breastfeed. But this time around I am successful. There are no words to describe how grateful I am for all the knowledge and guidance this program has provided me. This has been a truly amazing experience and I cannot wait to reach my next milestone.
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Posted 2 years ago
I owe SO much to the Thompson Method!! I managed to fight tooth and nail to breastfeed my son (now 3) until he was 14 months old, but it was never without pain. When I found the Thompson Method during my second pregnancy, I was so excited to tackle breastfeeding again armed with more knowledge and an actual game plan. Unfortunately the journey with my daughter started out much the same. She latched on easily but the latch was SO incredibly painful, and my nipples were sore and bleeding within a day. I threw myself headfirst into this method and spent hours a day devouring all the course materials and trying anything and everything. I did several rescue sessions with Rachael Austin and those helped immensely, along with constant support from the online community. Somewhere around 6 weeks everything finally started to click into place and the pain gradually subsided, until it was gone! We have now been exclusively breastfeeding for 10.5 months and the early weeks of struggle are thankfully a distant memory. There aren't words for how grateful I am to this method and this community for giving me the gift of a beautiful breastfeeding journey with my daughter!
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 4th August 2022
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Posted 2 years ago
I'm a fourth-time Mum and wasn't able to breastfeed my first 3 babies due to breastfeeding pain. This is my fourth and last baby and the first I've been able to successfully breastfeed. I'm currently 4 months EBF and am beyond happy. Thank you Dr Robyn for creating such a wonderful program and support team. I'm forever grateful. If you are sitting on the fence wondering if you should do this program, 100% do it. It's a drop in the ocean compared to other things we spend money on. It's the best thing I ever did.
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Posted 2 years ago
Thank you to the Thompson Method I made it to 1 year exclusively breastfeeding 🤱🏼 I studied the method while pregnant, came up with my plan to advocate for myself and my babies breastfeeding journey and ended up being the FIRST mother at the hospital I delivered to nurse in the OR! I cherished our 3 uninterrupted golden hours and never dealt with nipple damage 🙌🏻 To say I'm grateful is an UNDERSTATEMENT 🥹 Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and making my breastfeeding goals a reality! We see no end in site of our nursing journey 💕
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 28th July 2022
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Posted 2 years ago
Don’t think twice about this course - buy it mama and you absolutely won’t regret it!! I truly cannot overestimate how valuable this course has been and continues to be, and all the support that’s come with it. As a new mama I underestimated the breastfeeding journey; how, if the latch and approach isn’t quite right, it can affect both your breasts and the whole feeding experience. At day 4 I was in tears, petrified of feeding because of how painful it had become. It was genuinely traumatic, and I would often scream in pain and my little darling would stress in turn. The Thompson method is why our little girl (now 6 weeks) is thriving today. The course was a thoughtful gift from my besty who did the course and found it so immensely beneficial as well. There are videos and suggestions for everything, and I’ve truly been blown away by all the support you fet along the way The RT Facebook group has been a salvage of support and answers thanks to Robyn’s admin team, especially as we navigate our way through new experiences and feeding phases. I was also lucky to meet Robyn who took me through my first pain free feeding experience on my right breast - and can confirm she’s as lovely as she seems in those videos! If you’re looking for an intuitive, judgment free and painless breastfeeding experience this is it!
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Posted 2 years ago
The Thompson Method is amazing it's a family of mummy's that were all in the same boat and support each other by telling our stories gaining expert support from Dr Robyn and team. No forceful techniques just slow steady and without it I wouldn't be where I am today.
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Posted 2 years ago
TTM gave me an education and knowledge of my body, birthing rights and breastfeeding that no other ore natal class does and offers continued support forever afterwards. And set me up for a great birthing experience and breast feeding journey. You are not only supported by a team of wonderfully knowledgable TTM gurus but you are also backed up by a community of mums all going through similar experiences good and bad. I recommend TTM to all my pregnant friends. Thank you TTM 💖
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Posted 2 years ago
The Thompson Method has helped me massively with not hurting no more when latching to helping with damaged nipples through this teething stage. If I didn’t have the support of this program and the things I have learnt through this I don’t think we would have made it 5 months. I’m again feeling confident we can go even further so thank you to The Thompson Method for all the advise and information you provide. X
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Posted 2 years ago
I have got to breastfeed my son for a whole year of breastfeeding through ups and downs (mostly ups since the breastfeeding well established) all thanks to The Thompson Method. In the beginning, I had to supplement for a week, then pumping like mad for a month until figured it was not working well physically and mentally. I have got a bad clogged, mastitis, and breast abscess due to that. Finally did a rescue with great guidance from Dr Robyn and Sarah Jackson, we got back in track with breastfeeding. Started with shield for 2 weeks and he learned to do without successfully after. Since then, I have recommended this Method to all my pregnant friends. There are still challenges but nothing major, through all the teething and sickness. Im so happy to still breastfeeding now (my goal was 6 months) hopefully to the 2 years mark. Thank you so very much Dr Robyn for your method. I know I wont get this far without it.
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 18th July 2022
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Posted 2 years ago
I just wanted to say the Thompson method really saved me. I ended up exclusively pumping with my first because after 5 days she refused to latch. After she was born, I had to pump because I didn’t have the support or education I needed to exclusively breastfeed her. With my second, I found the Thompson method and as soon as she was born, had no problem latching and feeding. I wish I would have found this with my first because the whole course has been incredible. My second is 9 months old now and still going strong exclusively bf. I am so thankful for finding the Thompson menthod ❤️
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Posted 2 years ago
Thank you for providing education that guides women through pregnancy, child birth, and breastfeeding. I felt prepared and know there are a ton of resources to access when I have questions.
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Posted 2 years ago
My experience with the Thompson Method has been nothing short of life-changing. I've just reached my 1-year goal and am thrilled. This is my 3rd baby and the first time I've successfully breastfed. My sincere thanks go out to Dr Robyn for creating such a valuable resource. Additionally, I want to thank the admins of the support group for being available to me wherever I needed them. There are no words to describe how grateful I am.
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Posted 2 years ago
So well try tired, simple language, reassuring. It really is the number one reason I was able to breast feed until be weaned himself at 18 months ❤️
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Posted 2 years ago
I had a lot of anxieties when I found out I was pregnant with my third child at the age of 38. I had my first two babies in my early twenties from my first marriage and they both came prematurely at 32 weeks and were too small to latch on. I was nervous about breastfeeding this time around for that very same reason and because of the formula shortage and I just want to say thank you to everyone in the group and this method. I was able to be very vocal from the start when Elijah was born at 36 weeks. I had all my wishes granted, we have been successfully breastfeeding for his first month of life and I don't see an end in sight. 💚
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Posted 2 years ago
It was so refreshing to find a method that addressed the 'normalcy' of pregnancy, delivery and breastfeeding. I am blown away by how much information there is in this course, and how it speaks to the maternal instinct inside each of us. Our bodies were designed perfectly to create, carry, bring forth and nourish new life. If you are looking for a tool to empower you with the gifts to confidently step into motherhood, this is it! Thank you Dr Robin for putting this course together and shining a light on the beauty of pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and beyond!
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Posted 2 years ago
Having worked in Early Childhood Education for almost 15 years, before becoming a mother, I had some good ideas what was expected about being a mom. I knew I could prepare myself for giving birth, but the thing that freaked me out the most was breastfeeding. I’ve seen mom after mom struggle with breastfeeding. I had no education on breastfeeding, so I couldn’t help. Next week will be 18 months of breastfeeding with my baby. She’s more of a toddler now, but with the good foundation that The Thompson Method gave me, I was able to only feed her breastmilk until she started solids, and continued breastfeeding to help comfort her during teething. I can not recommend this program enough. Between my doula and The Thompson Method, I didn’t need to go into see a lactation consultant. And with my bad experience with the hospital lactation consultant, I didn’t want to see one that hasn’t gone through The Thompson Method.
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Posted 2 years ago
I had every intention of diving head first into breastfeeding but when the babe made her appearance we found she had a good sized hemangioma on her upper lip making latching quite difficult. Following the Thompson Method, I got my golden hours but when she did try to latch, due to a 27 hour labor plus epidural she was tired and a bit lazy about it. Thankfully, due to this program, I was fully prepared. I expected the tiredness due to having the epidural and started collecting colostrum at 36 weeks being lucky enough to have lots stored up ready for action. I immediately made the mindset adjustment to not put too much pressure on myself thanks to the previous comments from admins I'd seen on other people's posts reminding so many moms how amazing we're doing even when things aren't going just as we imagined or hoped. So I dove head first into pumping, got ourselves set up with appropriate bottles/nipples based upon Dr. Robyn's recommendations and kept letting her try to latch before feeds. Never knowing if it would work out for us or not. Knowing the epidural would take a few days to work it's way out of her system plus the lip issue, I let her guide me and followed my instincts on how to handle. At 3 days old both my milk came in and we got a beautiful latch and she nursed following the recommendations of each breast with a rest and digest period in between. I was floored and so thankful. Regardless of what breastfeeding path gets travelled Dr. Robyn and team are supportive and prepared to arm moms with knowledge to make the right decisions for ourselves and our babes. Thankful I found this program full of support and resources and never could've imagined how empowered it would make me feel.
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Posted 2 years ago
I was determined to breast feed my baby. This collection of videos made me feel like I had enough information to be confident going in. I have never had to use formula which I am so thankful for in this time. My daughter just turned 1 and I still get to nurse her in the morning and at night. Dr Thompson and her team have so much experience and knowledge in this department and made me feel very comfortable in my ability to exclusively breast feed my baby.
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Posted 2 years ago
I love this program, as a first time mum my midwife encouraged me to buy The Thompson Method and it has helped us so much! Any time I had a query I was able to search in the group and find something that helped us, lots of mummy’s are going through the same thing at the same time so you’ll find someone has more than likely asked the question that you have. I really like the that Dr Robyn makes you feel empowered to ask questions about the benefits/risks/alternatives if you are placed in a situation that you hadn’t planned for I would also recommend to buy it before you think you need it…better to be prepared than to wait to fix a problem We are 8 months into our breastfeeding journey and still going strong! 🤍
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Posted 2 years ago
The Thompson Method is rated 5.0 based on 298 reviews