“Yep all seems OK on line purchase of vehicle insurance, fairly straight forward to log on etc, I suppose its in the event of a claim that we get to see how fast and efficient the company is. Thanks for service at moment.”
“Simple to follow, however I do prefer a hard copy .
Also , I find it annoying when you ‘add’ something in and then get offered much better service for more money again.
Overall , very happy though .”
“It's my first time using Yoga Insurance hence lots of form-filling, but it was all set-out plainly so not too difficult to follow. I could insure from the time I completed the forms so that was useful and the details of the proposal, certificate of insurance and so on arrived in my e-mail box very soon after payment was made. I am happy with my experience of Yoga and the price was very good, so it was worthwhile my hiking around the inter-net obtaining quotes, some of which, including this Yoga one, came via Martin Lewis's organisation Money Saving Expert.”