Rest assured, you're not alone in this scenario. We understand the importance of your review content, and it's natural to have questions about migrating to That's why we're here to support you at every stage, guaranteeing a smooth and effortless transition.
Our free tool allows Yotpo merchants to check the quality of the reviews they have collected with Yotpo.
Yotpo recently stooped to desperate measures with a targeted email campaign aimed at clients. However, the email crossed the line, going beyond acceptable boundaries. It not only defamed but also made unsupported claims about Yotpo's superior quality reviews, which our research has proven to be false.Learn More
Brands often find themselves paying for unused features, or struggling with confusing pricing structures. The tier invitation limits can be costly as your needs grow, leaving a sense of frustration. Regardless of your level of success, we will never charge you more as a result.
See how it worksLengthy contracts only favor the provider, leaving you feeling more constrained & trapped than confident and supported.
Brands often feel shortchanged, they appear affordable but quickly spiral out of control due to undisclosed fees.
Targeted ad campaigns to our clients with damaging brand content, false claims & under-the-belt tactics.
Brands are often promised unattainable goals and sold a false sense of success without adequate support to back it up. offers the ability to collect reviews on third-party platforms. With our exclusive reputation management tool, you gain full control to positively influence any rating. Create a consistent reputation today.
We have enhanced the features offered by Trustpilot and introduced additional ones that will significantly contribute to the growth of your brand.
We prioritize customer success above all else and are OK with not being the largest review platform in the market. Our focus is on continually investing in our product to provide you with a market-leading solution at a fair price.