Aqualiv Water Systems,
I’ve been using Aqualiv Water System for three months now.
It tastes great at an affordable price and is extremely healthy for me.
1. I use it when making 2 gallons at a time of my Lipton Iced Tea with Lemmon & Stevia.
2. I fill up my two Golden Labs water bowels daily with it.
3. I use it for cooking
4. I store it in the fridge for drinking
5. I making coffee (K-Cup) with it.
Thank goodness that I found your company on the web site when searching to purchase a Reverse Osmosis Water System because not only did I find the perfect product for my health situation, but I was also educated on the all the disadvantages of “Reverse Osmosis” (Whew)!
In my on-search I have not found any other product that will take out all of the bad stuff and leave in all of the good stuff.
I’m almost 70 years old with TONS of medical issues. Too many to mention here.
I need to do anything and everything to improve my health A.S.A.P.
I need the vitamins, minerals & nutrients in the water and my food, especially with my doctor putting me on two meals per day (7AM & 3PM) only 50 carbs per meal, Insulin and more to lower my 9.4 A1C.
I quit drinking soda, juice, beer, etc. and started drinking more water. Following my doctor’s orders I’m feeling better.
My glucose, weight, blood pressure, heart rate, energy level, etc., etc., have all improved greatly.
It’s difficult to say if the Aqualiv Water System has had any positive effects when combined with all of the other health measures I have taken per my doctor’s orders, however, I think that it has helped me. It doesn’t hurt me for sure!
I am continuing to post Aqualiv Water Systems on my Facebook Page and sharing your info with my family, friends and other acquaintances.
Thank you, Aqualiv Water Systems
Hydrated in Oklahoma