Just as good as the standalone, only difference is standing curls vs seated curls. It takes up less of a footprint, but it is annoying and difficult to move if you do not have a dedicated post to leave it on.
Be aware that this is held on by screw pins. So using on a none titan rack the hole spacing might be just slightly off, this is my case, and the screw pin stripped my powder coating as it has to screw in at the slightest angle. Not a fault of the product, but the screw pins in general just suck.
With the weight horn on the side, there is no resistance at the bottom part of the movement. To make this worth the cost, you have to use bands or create something to get that resistance, otherwise, you are only getting 3/4 range of motion.
Overall I am happy with it, quality is great, movements feel good, price is acceptable compared to alternatives. It is to heavy and ackward for the wife to setup or take down, so we end up leaving it on the post most of the time. If i had to take it down every use, I might not like it as much.