Imagine yourself waking up at 4:30 in the morning, dog tired from the miles of hard fought land. Pushing acres of some of the most dangerous and muddy inter bowels of the great north wood. Each step taken forward is two taken back. After fighting for hours the sun graced us to illuminate our day. We perform a few more drives in the sub zero temperatures of the Southern Tier in NY. I usually like to set my pack out by wearing a mid base layer followed by my Ororo hunting vest as my mid layer followed buy my UA windproof jacket, and reaper ridge pant. Two hours after pushing deer, I am ready to sit on point, or watch. After you sweat your clothes wet and uncomfortable. Wet cold is miserable, until you hold that magic button and it turns red. Then your whole attitude changes, you get warmer and warmer. Suddenly like is less miserable. I can honestly say that this vest is the core of your cold weather set up. I moved well and is completely utilitarian. It has pockets for bullets and snacks. It kept my food warm in my pocket. I love this vest. I unfortunately didn’t fill my tag this attempt, but here’s to moving forward. The vest performed beyond me expectations. It did everything Ororo promised it would.