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Take Control Over AFib Online Program by Dr. AFib Reviews

4.7 Rating 150 Reviews
93 %
of reviewers recommend Take Control Over AFib Online Program by Dr. AFib
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Great information and direction on diet and exercise changes to eliminate afib. The course has given me a clear path to walk to continue with great health. Thank you
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
The information was very good because, quite frankly, most doctors aren't very helpful with the "what do I do now?" part of AFIB. I get a lot of "Oh, just exercise" and "Oh, just eat better," none of that is very helpful when you feel like your heart is going to explode. I did have some critiques which kept me from giving the course 5 stars: - Stop reading the slides; this is my #1 critique of any presenter. I can read faster than you talk, plus I can read. Try to provide other information not necessarily on the slides. - The introductions to each video are unnecessary but if you're going to include them make it more than "hey guys here's a video", try to provide some substance around the video and what it should deliver. - Finally, get yourself a decent graphic designer. It would be much more impactful to show graphics around the data and information rather than your face. Nothing wrong with the face but sometimes less is more. :-)
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Posted 1 year ago
I learned a lot from this video. Was just diagnosed last week . I’m only about 10 lbs overweight, and already do yoga & exercise . I want to improve my diet
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Awesome course!! I am a 56 Pulmonary/Critical Care physician with PAF since age 44. I have had about 20 episodes over the past 12 years and had an 18-hour run of afib last week for the first time in a while This course was a great reminder of what I should and shouldn't be doing. I am at my ideal body weight and am a runner -- diet, and particularly things that cause GERD, are triggers for me. I will be sure to recommend this course to my patients and others I come along who have afib. Thanks so much!!!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
wonderful to have the advice that this gave it is needed Thank you
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Posted 1 year ago
DR. MORELES! THANK YOU! I really appreciated this program... so glad I hit the button! The program is well presented... and your style imparting the information is relatable and engaging! I am a retired 74 year old patient diagnosed with AFIB 2 years ago... currently taking Metoprolol and Eliquis in low doses with Flecainide 50mg PIP as needed. I am currently slated for Ablation at the end of June (and rather SCARED and a ittle unsure! I have always had a pretty clean diet... though through your program I am seeing opportinuty to ramp it up! I would welcome a 10% weight loss! And I am excited for the challenge. I am on DAY 3! I walk daily and practice yoga with moderation... Always been a rather high energy person... I have noted my triggers and am fairly successful with limiting and eliminating culprits! Your information has been so clearly presented and I am so thankful and excited to refine my sometimes feeble attempts to reduce AFIB episodes. THANK YOU for your great help! All the best...Warm aloha
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
DR. MORELES! THANK YOU! I really appreciated this program... so glad I hit the button! The program is well presented... and your style imparting the information is relatable and engaging! I am a retired 74 year old patient diagnosed with AFIB 2 years ago... currently taking Metoprolol and Eliquis in low doses with Flecainide 50mg PIP as needed. I am currently slated for Ablation at the end of June (and rather SCARED and a ittle unsure! I have always had a pretty clean diet... though through your program I am seeing opportinuty to ramp it up! I would welcome a 10% weight loss! And I am excited for the challenge. I am on DAY 3! I walk daily and practice yoga with moderation... Always been a rather high energy person... I have noted my triggers and am fairly successful with limiting and eliminating culprits! Your information has been so clearly presented and I am so thankful and excited to refine my sometimes feeble attempts to reduce AFIB episodes. THANK YOU for your great help! All the best...Warm aloha
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Very informative and thorough thanks for all you do.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
I found this course to be very helpful! I will will rewatch some of the videos and use the meal plans to help me make lifestyle changes that will help reduce my AFib episodes and improve my general health. Thank you, Dr. AFib! Fern Hubbard
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Dr. Morales is a professional who gets to the root of the problems and looks for solutions. The cardiologist I have wasn't too interested in hearing about the food sensitivities that I believe to be triggers. He was quick to encourage additional medications. You nicely fill that void and give me hope I can fine tune my healthy lifestyle even more.
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Posted 1 year ago
Very informative. Have lost 10 pounds in the last two months by taking it slowly and changing my bad diet habits little by little. Unhealthy snacking in the evenings had been my biggest downfall. Still have 20 more pounds to lose, but I can honestly say I haven't noticed any symptoms of an afib episode in weeks and I have been able to wean off of medication to reduce my heart rate bc of bad side effects. thanks for helping me with my Covid induced afib. I didn't receive a delivery of anything. my course is online.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
I found this course to be very informative and helpful, I learned a lot and will be following this advice to the letter. Thank You
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Posted 1 year ago
I highly recommend the Dr. A-Fib protocol. Since implementing it, I’ve noticed a significant decrease in both the number of palpitations I feel and actual A-fib episodes and their duration. I’ve not had a fib episode in quite a while now, and think I may be able to hold it off indefinitely. The lifestyle changes I’ve made are as follows: I incorporate veggies into every meal, including breakfast, and have cut out alcohol, a major trigger for me, entirely. I restrict meat to small amounts that complement a veg stir-fry or whatever. I avoid wheat-based foods— which contain inflammatory gluten— and sugar, and now have almost no joint pain as a bonus. I also take time-release magnesium (750 mg/day) and mix 800 mg of potassium powder in water. Both supplements are sold by Jigsaw Health. I walk pretty much every day and do some light strength training. I now consider my A-fib to have been a blessing in disguise because what I have to do to keep it at bay has improved my overall health tremendously. I no longer need my blood pressure meds, I have more energy, and my chronic insomnia is gone. Thank you, Dr. Gonzales!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
This course was suggested by my naturopath and I am so thankful since the cardiologist I saw literally said: "This is not a negotiation. You will be on these meds for the rest of your life," when I tried to ask questions based on the journal I was keeping about the Afib episodes. Dr. Morales is down-to-earth and encouraging. He keeps the presentation moving, but it was easy to go back and repeat modules I wanted to hear again. He covered all the topics I had wondered about and included things I did not know. He didn't mention strong emotions as a trigger, but that is likely considered stress. Still, when I am feeling very sympathetic or empathetic toward others' situations, or experiencing my own deep emotions I have found I must catch myself and breathe deeply and not try to hide or hold the emotion in. Many thanks for making this series. I hope I can find an electro cardiologist like Dr. Morales in my area.
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Posted 1 year ago
Great source of information for Afib !
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Posted 1 year ago
Why can't I sign back in to read the course again ? When you pay do you just pay to see it once.? I wanted to download Afib book but did not get a chance. I like the course but I like to go back and reread.
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Posted 1 year ago
I appreciate the information given in this course and I am incorporating it into my lifestyle. I would like to be free of AFib! I recommend that Dr Morales slow down and pronounce his words clearly. He is giving a lot of important information and it would be nice to have time to grasp it all without having to stop and re listen. Thank you to Dr Morales for putting this program together and including the studies, it will help many people who suffer with AFib.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
I thought it was terrific! I’m an NP, so I know the dietary and exercise recs are science-based. I liked Dr. Morales’ easy-going manner and clear directions. I’d already read the A-Fib Cure and gained a lot of knowledge from it, but I found the DrAfib videos presentation more encouraging and accessible.
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Posted 2 years ago
Excellent program. I recommend it to any I started my diet on low glycemic foods and I walk 30-40 minutes daily on accelerated pace and I feel wonderful. I lost 28 pounds, my blood pressure got under control is now and is usually between 120-130 systolic and 65 - 75 diastolic. I was able to decrease Lisinopril from 40 mg per day to 20 mg. If I eat any sugars or high glycemic food, it affects me in a very negative way. I am now watching the frequency of AFib episodes, which appear to be decreaseing in frequency. I only had two short episodes of Afib that lasted about 20 minutes. I also found that the episodes of Afib decrease in length when I exercise (accelerated pace walking).
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Posted 2 years ago
This is on behalf of my wife who was diagnosed with a-fib about a year ago. She has been on meds since. She has been following your plan but will take time to see if it works.
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Posted 2 years ago
Take Control Over AFib Online Program by Dr. AFib is rated 4.7 based on 150 reviews