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EE Reviews

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6 Camberwell Way

Does EE deliver on time?
(2 weeks ago)
Greater than 25% of reviewers feedback is EE normally delivers on time.
(2 weeks ago)

Delivery - Slow

Industry Average
I am absolutely disgusted with EE, I am autistic and struggle with being told false information, I was promised a call back in October and never got one, I then called and joined and I was promised I would receive my phone in 7 working day, I made my partner come down and stay in all wEEk for it to then not turn up, I then called on the 7th working day to be told its now 21 - 28 days without any notification to inform me this, I asked if alternative phone where averrable to swap to to get it quicker but it was to much monthly so I just left it to then get notified that somebody cancelled it without permission and then reput me on the same contract which makes no snece but to only push my date back even more for my phone, I spoke to the complaints team who had no idea why this was done and was told he should of made me aware if he was doing this, I asked multiple times to kEEp me on the same plan and not to make amendments, your calls are recorded so you can check all this, The lady in complaints really tried to resolve this and offered 20% off, She promised I would have this Monday, again no delivery notification so I call up to be told its now 28 days again when the lady advised it was in stock which is why I stayed with the plan!, I then called to ask if they can sEE if the phone is in stock in my town store as a resolution to being messed around so much, I thought the guy was being helpful to only be put on hold for 42 mins while he was trying to connect to the store to be cold transferred to collections team who had no idea why I had bEEn transferred, I had to come out of work while on hold while one of the agents at EE just wanted an easy 40 min break of the phones and never actully spoke or attempted to speak to the EE store, I am absolutely disgusted with EE, I joined on the basis of good customer service! I am so livid with your company and will and no longer will recommend you, your agents nEEd additional training on phones, I have worked in call centres my whole life and its poor from you.
- Harriet Davies