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The Thompson Method Reviews

5.0 Rating 298 Reviews
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of reviewers recommend The Thompson Method
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About The Thompson Method:

The Thompson Method is a gentle, evidence based method towards a gentle birth and pain-free breastfeeding experience. It was created by Dr Robyn Thompson, a midwife with over 45 years experience who was awarded a PhD for her research into why so many women were being discharged from hospital with painful nipple trauma and other breastfeeding complications such as engorgement & mastitis.

The Thompson Method challenges the forceful breastfeeding techniques, linked with painful nipple trauma, that are commonly taught in most hospitals. It’s for ALL women who want to breastfeed, but particularly those giving birth in the hospital system because it offers a gentle alternative to help women AVOID the most common and painful breastfeeding complications.

But it’s more than just the technique on how to get a good latch. It is that, but it’s so much more...

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The Thompson Method 5 star review on 18th September 2024
Lauren H
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 18th September 2024
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 9th September 2024
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 4th September 2024
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 27th August 2024
Elizabeth B
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 7th August 2024
Brianna C
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 4th August 2024
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
I just want to say a HUGE thank you to Kelly for helping me and my little premie baby Evelyn. Evie was 5 weeks early weighing 5lbs1 and was in NICU for 10 days and without the Thompson Method & Kelly I don’t think I’d be breast feeding today. Kelly Faytrouni, is an angel & helped me so much when we had our rescue - we just needed a little extra help and I cannot thank you enough. It is such a privilege & blessing to be able to be able to nourish my baby from the moment she arrived with all the cuddles, colostrum & milk. I truly believe she did so well in hospital because I was adamant I was going to breast feed her & the bond we have is more than I could have imagined. Her little face is just the best thing in the world when she looks up at me while we’re boobing and smiles. 🥹 I will always remember the early days & doing all I could, whilst being incredibly unwell and in hospital too to make sure she had enough colostrum & milk and was only able to do this because of the Thompson Method & Kelly. I Advocated hard for us to have skin to skin when she arrived for as long as possible and even though it has been so difficult at times it has also been the most empowering thing I’ve ever done. It has been tricky but so worth it. Without Kelly & The Thompson method and the knowledge I’ve learnt I would have probably given up in the early days. My little one is a sensitive creature and the method is so gentle and baby led and I love this about the Thompson Method and how Kelly helped us. My heart feels so full writing this message. Words can’t describe how grateful I am for the support of the groups, the method & Kelly. What an amazing thing being a mummy is and being able to feed our babies. Thank you isn’t enough to describe my gratitude. Sending love & so much thanks, Emily & Evelyn ♥️
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 6th October 2022
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Posted 1 year ago
I made it to one year breastfeeding my son and I could not have done it without the Thompson Method. I had virtual sessions with Rachael in the first few weeks when I was having challenges. I was able to overcoming pain and I found out my supplements were causing my son to protest before feeds. I just wish more consultants were trained in the method so that breastfeeding will be an easier journey for all women
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Posted 1 year ago
Would I recommend? Heck yes! It's this course worth the money? Absolutely! Baby girl is just over a week old at this point and this is what I have to share about the program... A big thank you to the Thompson method! I came across this program during my pregnancy and chose to invest about 2 months before my due date. The education from this course has been phenomenal. What I've appreciated most so far is that when watching videos of Dr. Robyn, she speaks as though talking to you as a friend instead of as a student, which makes the videos so much more enjoyable to watch/listen to, instead of them feeling like a grueling study. We had a natural birth and I felt confident to be able to slow things down when necessary throughout our stay at the hospital and ask questions, largely in part due to this course. I even had my general practice Dr. (who did my baby's post hospital follow-up) comment that I seemed to really know what I was talking about for being a first time mom! I look forward to a day when the Thompson method will be the main method taught to women, because even with my denying lactation consultation in the hospital, I had 3 different staff present each at a separate time when I started to nurse, that each made moves to put their hands in to push my baby onto my breast (which luckily I was able to stop before it happened). Also, since being home, I have loved being a part of this FB group, because it helps me continue to educate myself on things that I might have missed or forgotten from the education videos, and highlights things that I could tweak to make our BF journey even better! It definitely supports me being able to use my instincts 😄 So thank you thank you! I have already recommended this course to many! Baby Brooklyn and I are off to a wonderful start of our BF journey, with the confidence of knowing there's a whole admin team out there to help any time I feel lost or overwhelmed 🥰
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Posted 1 year ago
I tried to nurse my first baby for 5 weeks, triple feeding that whole time and then eventually exclusively pumping and bottle feeding him for the rest do his first 8 months. I was so disappointed and sad that nursing didn’t work out. With my second baby, I knew I wanted to try to nurse again but needed help to make sure that happened. I purchased The Thompson Method course during my third trimester of my second pregnancy and started watching the videos before my son arrived. We still had some struggles but got off to a much better start, and this baby has ended up nursing for a whole year now! I think one of the things that made us successful this time was protecting the first three hours after birth (and really the first several weeks) for skin-to-skin and practice nursing time. I’m so grateful for this course!
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Posted 1 year ago
A friend of mine spoke so highly of the program since she did not have a positive experience with her first child. I immediately joined and started watching the videos when I was six months pregnant. I felt well prepared when I was still calm. I could imagine watching the videos once the baby was here. My wife and I watched one to two videos a night. She took notes so when I was "frazzled" during the first month, she was able to recite Dr. Thompson's methods and we were successful. The Facebook group was crucial for me to empower me to stick to my birthing plan and have confidence to breastfeed in public. It's not embarrassing. It's AMAZING to be able to feed my son when he's hungry, wherever we are and I have this group to thank for it.
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Posted 1 year ago
There is so much value to this course you can't realise without doing it for yourself. For such a relatively low price, the amount of quality, educated and experience based advice is incredible. Dr Robyn and her team have really made an astounding course (expanding all the time with her QnA videos and supported by the incredible FB Groups). I didn't know when I purchased this course what exactly to expect; I just knew I wanted to learn as much as possible about how to feed my baby. My sister recommended this course following very trying times breastfeeding her 2 sons and finding it so helpful after welcoming her daughter in April. Unexpectedly, the birthing and consent information became, so far, the best thing I learnt my whole pregnancy. I've just welcomed by beautiful baby girl via assisted vaginal delivery. I loved doing your course and I'd say for my husband and I, the birth and informed consent info was absolutely invaluable. All stuff I never knew and would never have known. I had over a week of refusing inductions, unnecessary examinations and unwanted interventions: all of which neither I or my husband previously knew you were even allowed to refuse! Despite some mildly coersive behaviours from some members of my careteam, I held fast using my intuition, went into spontaneous labour slowly at home and gave birth at 41weeks + 4. I had high hopes for my relaxed hospital based waterbirth. However, my birth ramped up FAST and beyond all the "ideal birth plan" stuff, I'd been able to teach my husband what I'd learnt and we'd outlined our/my desires, ideals, boundaries and emergency decisions ahead of time. When the severity of the situation went from 0 to 100, "consent" became an abstract concept to my care team who, although I'm sure were just trying to do their best, knew nothing about us or what we were OK with. I had very limited ability to make any decisions in the moment, but my husband could now be (and was) the most amazing advocate for me, himself and our baby. He was able to be exactly what I needed; knowing already what each of the proposed emergency interventions were and what we'd decided to do regarding each depending on the necessity. This course didn't mean I could guarantee my ideal birth, but it did mean we could have as much control as possible in the birth that became necessary. Ignorance certainly would not have equalled bliss in our situation. We were both supported by the knowledge we'd never have had without your course. Came for the breastfeeding course and ended up with knowledge that saved me some potentially major birth trauma. Now using the breastfeeding info and it's fantastic too 😊🥰 happy well fed baby here! Thanks again 🥰
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Posted 1 year ago
I've almost hit my goal of 6 months. We are at 4.5. We have had to supplement with donor milk from my sister when it came to daycare. I can feed him enough but it's a combination of not having much extra after he eats as well as not responding to a pump. It took a team. The Thompson team plus a local lactation nurse, who was impressed that even with a tongue snd lip tied I didn't have pain. My doctor worrying about his size as it took 5 weeks for him to regain birth weight, but then remembered his sister, who was on formula, gained slowly and was only 2# bigger by this age. We also found my old measurements and the little guy matched my weights exactly. This pulled pressure off as it looks small sizes are hereditary on my family. He had issues keeping food down which lead to adding to his small size. That got taken care of but thanks to the group I held my ground with not supplementing formula (until 3 months when he stopped sleeping through the night after sleeping through since 5 weeks and that is adding one scoop into an extra 2 oz of breast milk after he eats from me) and not supplementing a lot of breast milk until daycare.
The Thompson Method 4 star review on 17th September 2022
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Posted 2 years ago
My pediatrician encouraged me to move to formula and bottles because they were easier to eat. I had a lactation consultant say my baby was happy to starve, and wouldn't successfully feed without a tongue tie release. My baby was refusing the breast completely but I wasn't ready to give up so I turned to The Thompson Method. In less than 24 hours of my rescue session, baby was 100% back on the breast. I cried. My mom cried. The only one who didn't cry was my baby. He was happy to nurse. I know we are fortunate to have had such fast results but I couldn't have done it without Dr. Robyn's team. If you're a mom with more questions than answers, who has received bad advice or discouragement, or who feels like you need to find that last stone to turn over, give The Thompson Method a chance to save your breastfeeding journey.
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 17th September 2022
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Posted 2 years ago
The Thompson Method was instrumental in supporting my breastfeeding journey with my second child. With my first, I was so insecure and neurotic about her intake. I ended up pumping and bottle feeding so I could see every ounce she consumed. But, eventually threw in the towel. This time around I had The Thompson Method helped me to feel confident and trust both myself and my baby. We nursed exclusively my entire maternity leave and now continue with combination feeding now that my son is in daycare. The time I spend nursing him now is so special. We made it to six months and I’m not sure when we will stop! I especially appreciate the support and community in the Facebook group. I so appreciated the ability to ask questions whenever I hit a stumble in the journey— especially in the early days! Thank you!
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 17th September 2022
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Posted 2 years ago
The video and PDF resources, searchable Facebook group and team of admins to answer personal questions has been invaluable! We’ve had some challenges, but overall this has been the easiest nursing journey out of all 3 of my babies. (She is now 10 weeks old).
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Posted 2 years ago
My girl and I made it to a year of exclusively breastfeeding!!! I could NOT have done it without the information and support from this group! I wasn’t successful breastfeeding my first so when I had a bumpy start with my second I figured I just wasn’t capable of doing it. I’m happy the Thompson method proved me wrong! It has been such a blessing to feed my baby girl and I dont see an end in site! She feeds anytime and anywhere! I’ve fed her while showering, cleaning, working, playing and even while baking her birthday cake! A big thank you to Dr. Thompson and the team members working along side her!!
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Posted 2 years ago
Amazing, so glad I found this!! As a first time mom who has wanted to breastfeed before even being pregnant I knew I needed to find an outside source to learn from. I had heard horror stories about the latching process when assisted by the lactation specialists in the hospital in my area (both personal family/friends stories and hear-say stories). I found the Thompson Method and never looked back!! While in the hospital after having my daughter, one lactation specialist said she latched like a dream and just let her continue nursing! Later, a different one tried to adjust her latch by unlatching and relatching her (I blame my FTM fear for not discouraging them) but they latched my daughter forcefully, and painfully. If I had not known better I don’t know if I would have continued breastfeeding even though I had been dreaming of creating that bond with my child for literal years. Needless to say I went back to the teachings here and we’ve been painlessly breastfeeding ever since!! She is 20 weeks and we’re still going strong, thank you so much, I’m so glad I found the Thompson Method to follow!!
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 11th September 2022 The Thompson Method 5 star review on 11th September 2022
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Posted 2 years ago
I am so pleased that I invested in the Thompson Method. The program has been a true blessing and has given me the knowledge and confidence I needed to be successful in breastfeeding my little girl. We are now going on 12 weeks with no intention of stopping. The support I have received in the Club has been nothing short of amazing. Thank you to the Thompson Method and the wonderful group for all your resources, encouragement and support you have given me.
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Posted 2 years ago
The Thompson Method breastfeeding program has changed my life! I was not successful breastfeeding my first 2 but this time I am. My baby girl has been EBF for 3 months now. I am so thankful for this program, Dr. Robyn and the amazing admin team. I couldn’t ask for a better group to be part of. Thank you for helping us to have a positive breastfeeding experience.
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Posted 2 years ago
It is amazing still learning as we go but 6 weeks in and I’ve exculsively breast feed but keep getting reoccurring nipple ducts blocked x
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Posted 2 years ago
As a first time I was unaware of so many things and unfortunately people around you and medical professionals never inform you of. The Thompson method gave me the tools, knowledge and confidence to be able to be prepared for the birth, know of my rights and of course breastfeeding and the importance of the connection between mother and baby. Whenever I had any questions or needed help (I had a difficult start to bf) and the team were amazing. Provided me with guidance and encouragement regardless of my decisions. Thank you so much to everyone including the amazing community.
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Posted 2 years ago
Such a fast response. So great to feel that you have the support there when you need it.
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Posted 2 years ago
Dr Robyn is incredibly knowledgeable, caring and passionate about breastfeeding and babies in general. The entire team was super empathetic and helpful throughout my whole journey. I would never in my wildest dreams believe that here I am, still exclusively breastfeeding my almost 10month old little girl. Wow, just wow!
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Posted 2 years ago
The Thompson Method provided me with education and guidance for my pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding that none of my medical providers (OBs, Nurses, Lactation Consultants, etc) did. With what I learned from The Thompson Method, I had the confidence to advocate for myself and my baby through the entire process. As a result, I have had the perfect experience, the experience I had always imagined and dreamed of. I have had no issues latching, no nipple trauma, have not had to use a nipple shield, did not have to supplement with formula, have had no supply issues and my babe has gained weight beautifully! (All of these complications, and then some more, did happen with my first baby because I had not discovered this method yet!) My daughter is almost 14mos and still nursing like a pro. This program was a life saver and I could not be anymore grateful!
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 23rd August 2022
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Posted 2 years ago
I can say with 100% confidence that The Thompson Method is what saved our breastfeeding journey. After a long NICU stay, I was determined to keep breastfeeding but found that the techniques taught by the lactation consultants we had seen were leaving both myself and my daughter frustrated. In a last-ditch effort, I purchased The Thompson Method and the difference was immediate! The support and care from the admin team, encouragement from other mothers, and the intuitive nature of the course are unmatched. Breastfeeding went from one of the most stressful times in our house to one of the most coveted, peaceful times and everyone was able to relax. Now my daughter is 19 months old and we're still going strong!
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Posted 2 years ago
The Thompson Method is rated 5.0 based on 298 reviews