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Thomson Holidays Reviews

1.9 Rating 100 Reviews
21 %
of reviewers recommend Thomson Holidays
Based on 100 reviews
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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Poor service have booked my holiday to Orlando that I booked after it states on there website that u can link booking with my Disney experience from 399 days to now be told I can’t do it till 60 days before. I have been on the phone for the last 7 days trying to sort it out however the staff are rude, disinterested in what u say, cut you off, will not let u talk to a manger. Never again will I book with tui
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Posted 6 years ago
Shocking after sales service. We booked a holiday with TUI and were promised £70 cashback from a spend of almost £3000. After waiting the required 3 months TUI declined the cashback and after countless attempts to contact them they just ignored my emails. Very short sighted as we travel a lot and will never recommend or use TUI again based on the way this situation was handled.
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Posted 6 years ago
I caught shigella and dysentery and campylobactor whilst in Egypt we did a. Nilecruise then flew to Cairo staying in the Ramses Hilton all I passed was blood and vomiting my weight went down to four and a half stones .y gp said I was lucky to survive this as I could not tolerate fluids Thomson although invited to contact my gp for evidence did not they totally abandon you no compensation for disagree and pain I now carry shigella for the rest of my life anyone interested in my story please contact anita 07761582952 I am going to see if paper are interested in this story
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Posted 6 years ago
What went wrong we are a holiday from hell for one they changed our flight times I complained and said I am not happy with those times they said there is nothing I can do about it then fly from different airport which was 80 miles away from me take a different flight which I would have to pay for then I said I would cancel because of this and they said to pay a cancellation fee got to the Hotel Photos on the top floor I complained to our holiday rep the smell from the fans on the roof smell like cooking oil they said again there is nothing we can do then to top it all off on our delayed flight was very early in the morning very tired and I asked one of the staff is all seats been taken she said no there is room so I asked her could I change seat and she said no I would never book Thomson holiday again
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Posted 6 years ago
Never ever book a holiday with tui; there after care customer service pre travel is terrible ; I have a holiday where they have made the mistake and yet I have to wait 7 days to see if it can be rectified and if u do want to speak with a manager they WILL not take over the call and they guarantee a call within 48 hours and guess what? NO CALL. Please please do not book with his company
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Posted 6 years ago
Food at hotel was disgraceful, Thomson rep was less than helpful, had to organise own transport to airport after rep failed to organise our pick up.
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Posted 6 years ago
0/10 ! For 30 days since booking a holiday with Tui I have tried (on their Suggestion) to amend and upgrade my holiday on my personal Tui online account. Tui give prices for all options next to the 'apply button'. Every time I chose the options my holiday is increased by the wrong amount by over £200 ! For 30 days I have had hours of telephone conversations with 'customer' service & managers. At the end of every conversation they can't/won't explain why this happens and tell me someone will be in touch to do this within 72 hours (this never happens). I have send numerous emails and occasionally receive a reply long after 72 hours which bares no resemblance to my compliant. I have screen shots and a video of clicking the prices given and the wrong amount applied to the final total. I have told Tui and they won't explain why they do this. All the information I have has now been sent to Trading Standards and Abta who are advising me. I have used First Choice, Thomson now Tui for years and have never be treaded so badly. I will update or remove this review if Tui finally resolve my the issues as I think this only fair.
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Posted 7 years ago
Nothing short of CRIMINAL. Prohibited from boarding the plane, May 05 2009, this due to the criminals actions of then B.loody A.bominable A.irport Now Heathrow Airport Holidings, (inclusive of Southampton, Glasgow and Aberdeen and their conspirators, Strathclydes Cuntstabularies P.lebian and /or P.erjuring C.onstasfools. this because of my t-shirt which stated same adding www.GatewayToHell.net/ whilst simultaneously disseminating www.DLRM & www.NMRM, leaflets to an overwhelming majority of receptive, grateful repcipients. Then arrested outwith their shop Elgin for demonstrating about same, hauled before the Sheriff (of 'Nottingham') at Absurdistan Law Courts. This for having the temerity to demonstrate about as such outwith Aberdeens/Dyce Airport where upon during the recess, I did same outwith the courts of 'justice, prior to being acquitted, by Sheriff TIERNEY, (as reported 04 11 09, in the Express) but as is ever the case for innocents, denied justice as no compensation was forthcoming, for wasted, time, trouble & expense, by both Thomson HELLidays nor The State Police Lord Justice SEDLEY had earlier said, at the High Court of Appeal, London, 23 07 1999, "Freedom to speak in-offensively was not worth having." As cited in The Times Law Reports, 28 07 1999. But as judge TAYLOR said, 28 09 1999, at Teesside Crown Court, "People are entitled to express an opinion in this country." This as cited in The Evening Gazette, 28 & 29 09 17. But all this was lost on the aforementioned halfwits. "There is no justice in this world, in or out of court." Clarence DARROW attorney at law. "Some actions can never be hidden by a smokescreen, for they advertise their stupidity & iniquity in (blue) neon light." said, toxicologists, Prof Pietro CROCE, former Vivisector, author of Vivisection or Science: testing drugs & safeguarding health. "Where the environment is stupid, prejudiced or cruel, it is of merit to be out harmony with it." Bertrand RUSSEL Mathematician, MP & Philosopher. "Better to be trampled out by the asses hooves than be the thing of which asses minds approve." John MORESFIELD. Like vivisectors, politicians & The Law, both Procurator Fools & The C.riminals P.ersecution 'S.ervice' they Thomson HELLidays, are getting away with murder. Is this why Thomson Holidays, re-branded as TUI, BAA as Heathrow Airport Holdings, Strathclyde Police as Police Scotland? Didn't they know, you can't make a silk purse out of a pigs ear (and that un-like their arresting officers of the law, State Prosecutors, Glasgow & Aberdeen, Airports Staff, Thomsons Representatives, and most of their passengers, pigs are highly sensitive & intelligent creatures as are the none human primates, by those at Heathrow Airport Holidings Vivisectors_politicians_and_the_law_are_murderers@hotmail.com, The_law_is_worse_than_criminal_and_a_law_unto_itself@outlook.com,
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Posted 7 years ago
My brother booked a holiday for the four of us with Thompson Holidays. My baggage was damaged and I filled out relevant forms at the airport. We booked with Thompson but they used Volotea flights. Thompson refused to replace luggage and said it was the airline responsibility. Airline would not replace as they said we did not have the correct confirmation number which we were unable to get from Thompson. Every time I wrote to Thompson they replied to my brother as he was the lead passenger which was most annoying. Why didn't they deal with me. I sent all baggage labels and boarding passes to both Thompson and Volotea but that was not enough. The holiday was booked through Thompson so surely they are liable. I will. Not be booking with them again. Also our pick up coach only just allowed enough time for us to get to the airport on our return and we almost missed our return flight.
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Posted 7 years ago
We didn't like our hotel in Kos and when we complained about the issues I felt the Thompson rep at the hotel only listened to our issues but nothing was actually done. I was asked to sign a waver form on the last day of our holiday but refused. On our return I complained to Thompsons directly which was a complete waste of time. Thompson took months to respond after an initial email. Their response was incorrect but when I sent another email explaining their findings were incorrectly Thompsons had even more time to reply and when they did it was the same response as before. I will never book another holiday with Thompsons or First Choice (TU) I don't like the way the conduct themselves or handle complaints however it feels good to know I will never recommend them or they will get another penny of my money.
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Posted 7 years ago
You subcontracted my flight. My luggage was damaged beyond repair, the subcontracted company wont answer my correspondence. I was your customer I hold you responsible. Yuor statement its not our fault or responsibilty is not acceptable, in future I'll use an alternative tour operator. I am 5 times a year TUI customer. You have lost my business!
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Posted 7 years ago
The worst customer service I have ever experienced. I have booked many holidays over the years with Thomson and have never really had cause to contact their customer services after a holiday. After returning from our last trip to Sensatori Tenerife, we were advised in resort by the Thomson representative to claim our money back for having to change our room due to excessive amounts of mould in our room all over the pictures, walls and A/C vents. The hotel was insistent that 440 euros were paid to move to a room that was mould free and I was told by the Thomson resort rep that they could only contribute half in resort and I'd have to pay and claim the other 220 euros back when we got home. After corresponding with Thomson over the past two months, I keep on getting the same reply each time saying that they are NOT prepared to pay. After paying £7000 for this holiday, I can only say that I am disgusted by their customer service and complete lack honesty from their representative. I have been lied to and can guarantee that we will NEVER book another holiday with Thomson (TUI) ever again. SHAME ON YOU TUI
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Posted 7 years ago
Can not get a answer after almost 6 months why my price increased, contacted pre-travel no help at all can not answer, sent all e.mail copies to David Burling CEO no reply so sent him a e.mail still no reply, sent FriedrichJoussen a e.mail STIIL no reply, ASKED CARES@THOMSON A E.MAIL say can not help. WHY CAN NO BODY AT THOMSONS GIVE MY A ANSWER BRIAN MITCHESON
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Posted 7 years ago
Both our excusion trips booked through thompson were disasterous... one was sold as the wrong trip (we were told we would be hiking through rainforests and up volcanoes etc instead we sat on a coach for 7 hours touring different towns!!) And the second trip was a whale watching tour that was terribly dangerous due to rough seas (the crew even said the trip should have been cancelled) we didnt see any whales, dolphins etc just everyone sat down throwing up the whole trip!!! Out of 30 on the trip only 2 people were not sick! The glass bottom section stank of fuel and one lady hit her head on the entrance as she was being chucked around by the rough waves as it was impossible to stand let alone walk. Customer service is none existant as we were refused our money back and were not een given a sorry or an explanation!!!!!! Disgusting company we will not be booking again!!
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Posted 7 years ago
A corporation that has got too big and does not care about customers. Haven't bothered to deal with the following at all: We booked an excursion on the advice of rep Amy to a nighttime festival in Positano that had a firework display. It was heavily endorsed as the excursion to do with Amy saying that she wanted to go on it herself. We were told we were very lucky to have been there that particular week and should definitely go on the trip. We paid for a family of 4 £220. However the problems included: - the advert told us it was an open top boat called the Blitz. What turned up to take us was a ferry. - We stood around on the dock for an hour with nowhere to sit, before we could get on having been transferred far too early. - The ferry was cramped. There was indoor seating but the windows were too dirty to see out of and there were many elderly on the boat. - the outside standing areas were noisy, dirty, smelly and cramped. - the crew were under the influence of alcohol and brazenly drinking in front of us. - the toilet facilities were disgusting, no toilet paper or soap provided. - We arrived at the harbour of Positano one hour before the firework display and left standing on the boat. - the display lasted 10 minutes. - there was no commentary to explain what the festival was about. - the return trip was 45 minutes yet we'd been kept on this ferry for 3 1/2 hours unnecessarily. - we learned that there had been fireworks in Sorrento that night as well which we cold have watched for free. This makes the excursion seem even more of a ruse to just make money out of us. On return Amy (who did not join the trip and instead had chosen to watch them from her flat in Sorrento!) admitted that we had been missold a product. Despite this excursion being run for the first time there was no Thomson presence on it, nor it would seem had anyone thoroughly looked into the planning and execution of this trip beforehand. There was a lot of confusion when we got back to shore about which bus we should go on. We were moved from one bus to another and then back again! The excursion was a massive let down for our family. We work hard and save hard in the year in order to be able to enjoy our holiday. Normally we are happy with the service Thomson provide. This was one of two excursions we bought from you. I know that there is considerable mark up on excursions when we buy from you. I know for example that the other tour we bought from you at a total of £360 could have been purchased at £200 directly in the town of Sorrento. But I accept that in return for higher price comes the the promise of a good trip. In this instance it has not proved to be. The timing of the excursion also put it at the centre of our week in more ways than one. Because of the cost and late hour of the trip we decided on the day of it to have a quiet day at the pool, followed by another one the day after. The impact therefore on our holiday was more than just financial but took a chunk from our week long holiday. We also had no more money to pay for other excursions having spent what we had saved. I am concerned that when we first raised this issue (as did many others) with Amy, she kept saying that it was not Thomson's responsibility. Furthermore, when we visited your office in Sorrento to express this concern, my wife was put on the phone to talk to someone called Kate. When my wife explained that we were put on the ferry and we knew we should have had the Blitz, at first, Kate denied there being another boat, it was only when we said we had taken a picture of the poster advertising it that she admitted that there should have been an open air boat, that they had sold too many tickets due to the interest in the trip and they had changed the boat at the last minute. It is concerning that you are working with dishonest operators. Also, why were tickets continued to be sold by Thompson, when knowing that the people could not be properly accommodated? Clearly the only concern here was to make money and not great family memories. Thomson's name was on this, it was in your literature and we would like you to take responsibility for it. Therefore I am asking for a full refund not to just cover the cost of the evening but because of the upset caused during the one week of the year we can afford to go abroad
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Posted 7 years ago
We booked an excursion on the advice of rep Amy to a nighttime festival in Positano that had a firework display. It was heavily endorsed as the excursion to do with Amy saying that she wanted to go on it herself. We were told we were very lucky to have been there that particular week and should definitely go on the trip. We paid for a family of 4 £220. However the problems included: - the advert told us it was an open top boat called the Blitz. What turned up to take us was a ferry. - We stood around on the dock for an hour with nowhere to sit, before we could get on having been transferred far too early. - The ferry was cramped. There was indoor seating but the windows were too dirty to see out of and there were many elderly on the boat. - the outside standing areas were noisy, dirty, smelly and cramped. - the crew were under the influence of alcohol and brazenly drinking in front of us. - the toilet facilities were disgusting, no toilet paper or soap provided. - We arrived at the harbour of Positano one hour before the firework display and left standing on the boat. - the display lasted 10 minutes. - there was no commentary to explain what the festival was about. - the return trip was 45 minutes yet we'd been kept on this ferry for 3 1/2 hours unnecessarily. - we learned that there had been fireworks in Sorrento that night as well which we cold have watched for free. This makes the excursion seem even more of a ruse to just make money out of us. On return Amy (who did not join the trip and instead had chosen to watch them from her flat in Sorrento!) admitted that we had been missold a product. Despite this excursion being run for the first time there was no Thomson presence on it, nor it would seem had anyone thoroughly looked into the planning and execution of this trip beforehand. There was a lot of confusion when we got back to shore about which bus we should go on. We were moved from one bus to another and then back again! The excursion was a massive let down for our family. We work hard and save hard in the year in order to be able to enjoy our holiday. Normally we are happy with the service Thomson provide. This was one of two excursions we bought from you. I know that there is considerable mark up on excursions when we buy from you. I know for example that the other tour we bought from you at a total of £360 could have been purchased at £200 directly in the town of Sorrento. But I accept that in return for higher price comes the the promise of a good trip. In this instance it has not proved to be. The timing of the excursion also put it at the centre of our week in more ways than one. Because of the cost and late hour of the trip we decided on the day of it to have a quiet day at the pool, followed by another one the day after. The impact therefore on our holiday was more than just financial but took a chunk from our week long holiday. We also had no more money to pay for other excursions having spent what we had saved. I am concerned that when we first raised this issue (as did many others) with Amy, she kept saying that it was not Thomson's responsibility. Furthermore, when we visited your office in Sorrento to express this concern, my wife was put on the phone to talk to someone called Kate. When my wife explained that we were put on the ferry and we knew we should have had the Blitz, at first, Kate denied there being another boat, it was only when we said we had taken a picture of the poster advertising it that she admitted that there should have been an open air boat, that they had sold too many tickets due to the interest in the trip and they had changed the boat at the last minute. It is concerning that you are working with dishonest operators. Also, why were tickets continued to be sold by Thompson, when knowing that the people could not be properly accommodated? Clearly the only concern here was to make money and not great family memories. Thomson's name was on this, it was in your literature and we would like you to take responsibility for it. Therefore I am asking for a full refund not to just cover the cost of the evening but because of the upset caused during the one week of the year we can afford to go abroad
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Posted 7 years ago
Thomson have dismissed this claim completely. How else do you explain having nothing to say about chartering a trip that I took my children on led by drunken crew? Below is the original complaint: We booked an excursion on the advice of rep Amy to a nighttime festival in Positano that had a firework display. It was heavily endorsed as the excursion to do with Amy saying that she wanted to go on it herself. We were told we were very lucky to have been there that particular week and should definitely go on the trip. We paid for a family of 4 £220. However the problems included: - the advert told us it was an open top boat called the Blitz. What turned up to take us was a ferry. - We stood around on the dock for an hour with nowhere to sit, before we could get on having been transferred far too early. - The ferry was cramped. There was indoor seating but the windows were too dirty to see out of and there were many elderly on the boat. - the outside standing areas were noisy, dirty, smelly and cramped. - the crew were under the influence of alcohol and brazenly drinking in front of us. - the toilet facilities were disgusting, no toilet paper or soap provided. - We arrived at the harbour of Positano one hour before the firework display and left standing on the boat. - the display lasted 10 minutes. - there was no commentary to explain what the festival was about. - the return trip was 45 minutes yet we'd been kept on this ferry for 3 1/2 hours unnecessarily. - we learned that there had been fireworks in Sorrento that night as well which we cold have watched for free. This makes the excursion seem even more of a ruse to just make money out of us. On return Amy (who did not join the trip and instead had chosen to watch them from her flat in Sorrento!) admitted that we had been missold a product. Despite this excursion being run for the first time there was no Thomson presence on it, nor it would seem had anyone thoroughly looked into the planning and execution of this trip beforehand. There was a lot of confusion when we got back to shore about which bus we should go on. We were moved from one bus to another and then back again! The excursion was a massive let down for our family. We work hard and save hard in the year in order to be able to enjoy our holiday. Normally we are happy with the service Thomson provide. This was one of two excursions we bought from you. I know that there is considerable mark up on excursions when we buy from you. I know for example that the other tour we bought from you at a total of £360 could have been purchased at £200 directly in the town of Sorrento. But I accept that in return for higher price comes the the promise of a good trip. In this instance it has not proved to be. The timing of the excursion also put it at the centre of our week in more ways than one. Because of the cost and late hour of the trip we decided on the day of it to have a quiet day at the pool, followed by another one the day after. The impact therefore on our holiday was more than just financial but took a chunk from our week long holiday. We also had no more money to pay for other excursions having spent what we had saved. I am concerned that when we first raised this issue (as did many others) with Amy, she kept saying that it was not Thomson's responsibility. Furthermore, when we visited your office in Sorrento to express this concern, my wife was put on the phone to talk to someone called Kate. When my wife explained that we were put on the ferry and we knew we should have had the Blitz, at first, Kate denied there being another boat, it was only when we said we had taken a picture of the poster advertising it that she admitted that there should have been an open air boat, that they had sold too many tickets due to the interest in the trip and they had changed the boat at the last minute. It is concerning that you are working with dishonest operators. Also, why were tickets continued to be sold by Thompson, when knowing that the people could not be properly accommodated? Clearly the only concern here was to make money and not great family memories. Thomson's name was on this, it was in your literature and we would like you to take responsibility for it. Therefore I am asking for a full refund not to just cover the cost of the evening but because of the upset caused during the one week of the year we can afford to go abroad
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Posted 7 years ago
Avoid disabled partner forced on a coach as no special assistance taxi at airport to take her to airport reps not interested or of any help just wanted people on coach and away no one to speak to when got home just round and round in circles worst. Example of service ever
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Posted 7 years ago
Worst customer service I have ever experienced.Two hours on hold to sort out a problem with our booking only to be told that only the lead passenger can do anything.The lead passenger was with me when we first phoned up at 5.50pm.Unfortunately by 8pm he had gone to work.Absolute joke of a company.Couldn't even arrange a call back like most other companies do.Last ever holiday we will book with Thomson.Should have looked at the other appalling reviews for them first!
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Posted 7 years ago
Florida flight cancelled, wouldn't offer flights for remainder of holiday duration saying they only offer 7 or 14 day duration even though their web site had flights !! When checking flight status it said on time when it turns out they cancelled it the night before (8 hours previously) but had not chaged the web page hence wasted trip to Gatwick from Oxford. Just to top it off after requesting our money back for additional seat allocation were told no refunds for flight extras !! To end this good old Virgin Atlantic came to the rescue.
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Posted 7 years ago
Thomson Holidays is rated 1.9 based on 100 reviews