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Clarion Housing Group Reviews

1.2 Rating 129 Reviews
5 %
of reviewers recommend Clarion Housing Group

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Clarion Housing Group 1 star review on 1st September 2022
A Woman On A Mission To Save People From This Slum Landlord
Clarion Housing Group 1 star review on 1st September 2022
A Woman On A Mission To Save People From This Slum Landlord
Clarion Housing Group 1 star review on 1st February 2022
Colleen Mills
Clarion Housing Group 1 star review on 21st October 2021
Clarion Housing Group 1 star review on 21st October 2021
Clarion Housing Group 1 star review on 21st October 2021
Clarion Housing Group 1 star review on 21st October 2021
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Worst Housing association in the UK. They do not care at all about the condition of house of flats their tenants live in it is disgusting and outrageous I have a disabled child. they don’t care I have had them visiting the property multiple times they took photos then coming back to me with several surveyors visiting more than 7 times telling me we will do this and that then not take liability. It’s the government that should not allow these people (Clarion) to run or manage these properties.they are the richest and the worst in the country.the only option is now to do a petition against them I truly believe.
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Posted 2 years ago
Clarion housing are the worst company I have ever dealt with ! They was supposed to of told me there was a bedbug problem in the block before I signed the tenancy. Now nearly 5 years later I'm still trying to get it sorted other flats in block still need more treatment. I can't have my young boy over for fear of him being bitten again so his mum will not allow it. And ontop of that I can't have anyone round incase they take bedbugs to there own place. Nearly 5 years they evan tried to say it was not there problem for 3 months before they caved and sent pest control but that didn't evan work as the whole block needs to be done. I have had to throw so much property away as was told all clear and it wasn't so bought new stuff and that then git infested. Now been given the all clear again. That was a week ago roughly and now guess what they are back !!
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Posted 2 years ago
Not a nice company to work for. What i hate most is somebody in position of power abusing it. Violating any possible human rights. Raising eyebrows for comfort breaks because i work from home is something i cant comprehend. The amount of times i took my laptop to the toilet is ridiculous. Always talking about adherence just because he is in charge of adherence. When you are on the call with a tenant and you are meant to take a break. You have to do everything in your power to end the call because team leader won't be happy, how can a good customer service be delivered. The level of oppression going on in the company is beyond me. He is power happy too. He is always happy to know he can get rid of People needlessly and he threatens you with it. Talks down on staff. He is the only team leader that is also clueless about how to log jobs on crm. He needs more training as he is clueless and always asking other team leaders shamelessly when his team gets stuck. Amazing trainers. Cant fault them. If you ever get a job there and adherence team leader is your team leader just go and look for another job. Period! You dare not talk when he is talking. He is always happy to say he would claim the job is not for everyone as soon as he doesn't like you.Too much power and he doesn't use it well. When stuck he is never there to help as he asks other team leaders. Shameless. Train him. Why promote clueless person like that. Out of all the teams his team gets people who leave the company more just because he doesn't care about the company and his oppression. He has to like you to keep your job. Shameless. His name starts with K and the last name starts with J.
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Posted 2 years ago
Clarion Housing Association are the worst landlords ever. They do not care about tenants. I have been a tenant of Affinity now Clarion for over ten years. The blocks are appalling. They do not clean and send silly letters out threatening residents. There is damp and mould which is making tenants sick. Clarion Housing do not care about the mental and phyical health of tenants. The relevant authorities need to step in because Clarions only interest is pocketing our rent. I am an individual with severe mental and physical health challenges and I have been subjected to severe antisocial behaviour and bullying from my neighbours for years which escalated further this year to hate crime. Clarion are reluctant to support me and and as a result my health has decorated futher. This company needs to be taken to court for negligence and abuse amongst many other issues. They are allowing tenants to live in impoverishment and conditionsdetrimentalto our mentalhealt. It is really sad and cruel. I have filled out multiple applications to be transferred nearer to my family and Clarion deliberately refuses to fill the forms which are sent. The flats in South London are disgusting and smell of damp and mould. I have put dehumidifiers in every room because I am severely asthmatic and use a breathing machine at home. Having had covid my lungs my breathing has been even more challenging. Clarion Housing- do you live in the impoverished conditions you subject your tenants to? I have contacted the MP and I am being ignored. Police have written to Clarion including Dr's, victim support, community mental health and have all been involved and Clarions behaviour still remains negligent. Even the police are appalled at Clarions lack of concern and professionalism. Clarion send letters out to me which is severely damaging to my mental health. The reviews are disgusting yet they sit in their posh new offices without a care in the world forgetting that they get paid for a poor failing service they provide. Everyone has a bad report about Clarion. The government needs to remove the funding from Clarion because they are cruel landlords. They are one of the reasons people have severe mental health issues in London especially amongst the poorest boroughs because we have no peace at home. Our living conditions are that of the great depression sadly and Clarion don’t care at all.
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Posted 2 years ago
Rumours are that Clarion are in administration and looking for a buyer, is this true? The best thing that could happen is for this Company to be shut down?
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Posted 2 years ago
The worst organisation I have ever had the displeasure to contact. The lack of administration or action by any department is on criminal levels. They are have no problem referring you to the housing ombudsman knowing that they have over a six month wait to get justice, which is probably down to the amount of work put their way by clarion
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Posted 2 years ago
I cannot believe the state of a block of flats it Coulsdon South that are about six years old so relatively new, They must have been built in a swamp as there’s so much damp internally it’s unreal. My poor daughter and grandchildren are living there and the place is riddled with black mould. Today work was to be started on the rotten and damp kitchen but nobody showed up. It’s disgraceful that tenants paying nearly £1,000 per month have to live in such poorly built accommodation. The lady next door to my daughters ceiling plaster came off and this exposed a really wet rotten wood and mould growing on it holding the joists up. Something is really wrong with the fabric of the building to have damp internally like this, but no one cares. In my daughter’s bathroom they couldn’t fix the damp because it was so damp so they left a dehumidifier that cost a fortune to run that was over a month ago. Inside internal cupboards there’s mould on pipes too on the walls and ceiling’s. There appear to be so many leaks. For months they erected scaffolding but no one ever came to climb up it or do anything. The place has the windows open and residents are cleaning the black mould away all of the time to prevent themselves and their children being harmed. It’s so dangerous to live with black mould. Privatised housing association company’s are ripping residents off and failing in their duty to provide safe and affordable homes. What’s happened to this Country to have such poor standards for people. How can anyone thrive living in such damp overcrowded places. There’s definitely a building fault windows wouldn’t close on the landings due to movement they had to be replaced. She needs to take this to her MP with the other residents too. Shocking company tgey should be ashamed,
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Posted 2 years ago
Clarion Housing has to be the very worst Housing Association in the UK today. Also they claim to be the largest and they probably are but they also have the worst call centre of staff. And the very worst operatives that carry out maintenance and essential works. I also have my doubts as to whether any of there staff are even qualified to carry out there work. Because for the most part they use these unqualified multi trades people that would not know one end of a screw driver from another. Also I have been waiting months for a replacement toilet and new cistern. After one of there multi trades workmen broke my original rather than repairing it. So I reported it to Clarion over 18 months ago and I am still waiting for it to be replaced. If there was ever a bunch of cowboys and rouge workmen my guess is they all work for Clarion. Personally I would not recommend this housing association to my worst enemy. There useless through and through.
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Posted 2 years ago
No help at all with contaminated neighbouring garden. I have a baby and all I needed was the neighbouring garden being delt with. 10 months later and nothing happened, after 4 requests for help. 6 foot brambles and evidence of rats living in the garden next door and nothing is done. I have an 8 foot tree growing up towards my back window also coming from the below garden. This home could have been given to someone who really would like a garden with a home.
Clarion Housing Group 1 star review on 21st October 2021 Clarion Housing Group 1 star review on 21st October 2021 Clarion Housing Group 1 star review on 21st October 2021 Clarion Housing Group 1 star review on 21st October 2021
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Posted 2 years ago
Terrible customer service and due care for their residents. Very slow at fixing serious security breaches like a broken front door
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Posted 2 years ago
I’ve had repair issues for the past 4years, nothing ever gets done so reported to my local newspaper, that got clarion housing attention, I just got insulted by them saying you need permission to decorate your house etc, my reply was I have living standards I refuse to live in a slum that I pay hard earned wages for, any they pulled their thumb out and agree to replace guttering and lintel above kitchen window!! Obviously didn’t like the bad publicity.
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Posted 3 years ago
Wow! The most shocking terrible service from a company I have ever experienced!!! This over a period of almost 9 years sadly!
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Posted 3 years ago
Clarion housing and all its staff that I have had the misfortune to deal with are the most incompetent bunch of imbeciles imaginable. They couldn't give a fluff about their tennants, absolutely disgusting organisation and definitely not fit for purpose.
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Posted 3 years ago
Unbelievable poor. Disgusting customer service. Avoid if you can. The worst housing association in the UK.
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Posted 3 years ago
Staff are awful sorry to say this. They need more training or they most staff are lazy.
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Posted 3 years ago
The worst company ever, I was with affinity before this and they were bad, but nowhere near as bad as Clarion. They never answer the phones, when they do, the people never know anything just give you scripted responses, they always say they will pass to the manager but will never give you a name or direct line. They send out people for routine repairs who come and take photos and then you spend another 3 months chasing about when they will ever do the basic repair, i know some of these could be done by my local handyman but I pay a lot of rent so they could at least keep the house in a fit state
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Posted 3 years ago
Always know when your dealing with an uncaring inept organisation,first thing they ask you for is a payment of rent,not what your problem is,even stopped us having a xmas tree in the entrance lobby,no trolleys provided for elderly to carry shopping to their flats,uncaring,unprofessional,dont want your complaints just your money,councils who pay housing benefit are getting ripped off big time.
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Posted 3 years ago
Never known a housing association like it Disgusting customer service Quick enough to take your money but not to help with anything regarding the property!! Last February booked in a repair still waiting for the repair a year and half later !! You will receive a phone call in 48 hours from the 10th person that has said that in the last year and half we will to get u back book in!! Management company is a shambles never reply to there staff emails well that what staff make out but who knows because you can never can talk to anyone apart from the someone that clueless 😫
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Posted 3 years ago
Minus 1000 stars. Most disgusting and allegedly mismanaging misrepresenting corrupt company working in cahoots with equally disgusting local authority. They will kill people if not already. Only interested in money and.the board getting ridiculous sums of.money. The whole operation needs closure. They should all be exposed. Staff managers are disgusting equally. CEO needs sacking now. Clarion a huge accident. You complain they purposely fail. They make complainant the problem. Their accounting and complaints handling appalling. Beware they will do everything to tick boxes for legal reasons but make sure you suffer if you complain or have issues. SHUT DOWN CLARION HOUSING GROUP. MONEY INVESTORS NOT CHARITABLE AS THEY CLAIM.
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Posted 3 years ago
This housing association is a disgrace but the councils use companys like this to divert there responsibilities be ashamed the affordable rent scheme is a scam it just turns over the housing register as many get evicted quickly with no contempt to the needed it's a legal & disgraceful use of there powers that the council allow them to use .
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Posted 3 years ago
Clarion Housing Group is rated 1.2 based on 129 reviews