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Clarion Housing Group Reviews

1.2 Rating 129 Reviews
5 %
of reviewers recommend Clarion Housing Group

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Clarion Housing Group 1 star review on 1st September 2022
A Woman On A Mission To Save People From This Slum Landlord
Clarion Housing Group 1 star review on 1st September 2022
A Woman On A Mission To Save People From This Slum Landlord
Clarion Housing Group 1 star review on 1st February 2022
Colleen Mills
Clarion Housing Group 1 star review on 21st October 2021
Clarion Housing Group 1 star review on 21st October 2021
Clarion Housing Group 1 star review on 21st October 2021
Clarion Housing Group 1 star review on 21st October 2021
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Having watched the Clarion online event last night which spoke so eloquently about great customer satisfaction results, I have to wonder where Clarion are getting their raw data. It's certainly not from Trustpilot reviews or any of the online fora for Clarion tenants and leaseholders. I reported rising damp in the cellar which is causing mould to grow up through the front hall; there is also a hole in the outside wall which allows water in if we have heavy rain. I finally got a surveyor out following my last Trustpilot review. He stated that the cellar needed to be tanked out. As an interim solution I was given an industrial dehumidifier. That machine was pulling out about a litre a day from the cellar. Then I noticed my electricity usage - I used a month's worth of electricity in a week. I can't afford to run it, I'm a pensioner. Apart from the acknowlegement from Customer Services to say they have passed on my queries about progress, I have had no reply from anyone, certainly not from the Area Manager who my messages were passed to. I have put in a complaint. That has not been acknowledged. This issue has been going on since February - well that's when they acknowledged it. In reality it has been going on for a couple of years. I'd get an operative arrive, agree that the cellar is soaking and then I'd hear nothing more. They are a distant, hands-off landlord, completely unapproachable, and unable or unwilling to engage with their tenants. They will not do their duty without being called out in public. I loved hearing about the surplus funds they have - what was it, £165 million? Try spending some of that on keeping your properties in a decent state of repair before you engage in further borrowing to build more shoddy, mould-ridden shanty towns.
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Posted 3 years ago
This organisation is the worst I have ever dealt with. I made a roof repair request in 2019. There have subsequently been 25 phone calls, 20 emails and I have formally escalated this issue. They do NOTHING. I'm now going to contact a lawyer. Avoid this organisation at all costs.
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Posted 3 years ago
Clarion really needs to stop hiring 'cowboy' contractors. They come around, take pictures of the job to be done and say they will return because they do not have the required parts but never return. If a tenant calls in and describes their issue then why on earth would the tradesman not have parts for routine repair? I personally think they are selling the parts as a side hustle and pretending they have done the job (hence the photo). That's why maintenance are inundated with call-outs...because nothing is really getting done!
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Posted 3 years ago
I moved in to a Clarion property 3 years ago. Within a week of signing my tenancy agreement for £135 rent and service charges - they put them up to £153/week, with no letter or contact to inform me. I certainly did not sign anything to agree to this increase. They charged me this for about 9 months after reimbursting me for just 3 months worth of the increase in standing charge. My rent has always been astonishingly larger than all the people on my floor with identical sized properties. They all pay roughly £80-100 a week and I pay £143/week now. How can they justify my rent being AT LEAST 50% HIGHER than my next door neighbour with a same sized flat?? I have complained endlessly about this and just get automated emails and some rubbish excuse that makes no sense whatsoever.. apparently I am being charged the same as the previous occupant because the charge is related to the property not the individual... but I share the same land as all my neighbours who pay way less, as did he! Perhaps because he was ill and at the end of his life, Clarion thought they could charge whatever they liked. Absolutely terrible behaviour from a so called "not for profit charitable foundation"
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Posted 3 years ago
Fighting for 3yrs to get my bungalow fit for purpose... ok now something is actually being sorted.... meant to be having new window's door's, kitchen and bathroom done soon..... I've had to pay out £1100 for a patio door on my porchy bit, to try and keep warm..... 🙃.... but fingers crossed.... watch this space .
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Posted 3 years ago
Excellent thanks
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Posted 3 years ago
Worst company ever
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Posted 3 years ago
Dreadful housing association. Presently fighting a ‘section 20’ demand for £27,000. I bought my flat 2.5 year ago. 4 months after moving in the section 20 demand was made. They lied on the conveyancing documents saying no major works planned. They lie, they procrastinate, they are an utterly useless, horrible company. I so wish I had never bought this flat.
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Posted 3 years ago
Grossly overcharging service charges. Will not remove charges that aren’t needed anymore. Will not repair anything until you raise formal complaints. Send threatening letters out to tenants with absolutely no evidence and lying stating that someone reported something that didn’t happen and the “someone” doesn’t exist, it’s just clarions way of bullying tenants. They’re awful, AVOID this company at all costs
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Posted 3 years ago
I have complaint,rather than get on all they try to do is say they will help or its gone to clarion response,the complaints about the whole lot.ive not had any contact for weeks other than a thank you email.total sham.
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Posted 3 years ago
Worst housing association every. They should not be able to run these properties or manage them .it’s wrong!! Apparently they own a lot of homes some one should look in to this as they are one of the worst housing. When you try to speak to manager they would not let you through.
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Posted 3 years ago
Absolute ZERO stars. After being in a property for 8 years only to discover this year feb 2021 that I had been over charged rent by 10 thousand pound !! After crying for years at the amount of rent they wanted, eviction notice and court that was the outcome ! Mould, kitchen falling down, 3 children in one box room, leaks in toilet bath and downstairs kitchen the list is endless!
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Posted 3 years ago
Clarion repairs dept is a mess. First Responce team waste time and delays the repairs. Some of the Repair contractors are useless and are not up to the job. I am currently paying for commonual space fire alarm and lights which was done without my knowledge and consent. Customer service and housing reps should give their surname and be accountable. I never received compensation that was owned to me by Clarion for a matter that too a year to resolve.
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Posted 3 years ago
Worker turns up 8am,looks through window at me looking at him,drives off,I get text,450pm,won't be coming today,next attempt,all booked in over phone with lovely lady,bloke comes around on date and time aranged,"I've come to book your job in",didn't,just lied and went off...this is to move extractor fan,vents into porch,causing black mold,I'm allergic to it... clarion are no good,sorry,good at screwing things up.
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Posted 3 years ago
The worst mistake in my life was when I signed up with clarion,a living hell,was never made aware that communal lights and fire alarm systems were wired to my flat,and I'm being forced to pay the bills , clarion pay me 30pence a day for all this that's on 24 hours a day,in my TENNANCY AGREEMENT it states clearly I shall be incharge of all bills inside my flat,not outside none of the other residents have this burden,and they refuse to remove the wires and have been under paying me,they just violate me, second I've had this mould damp and brown stuff raining down the walls,I have been given a inhaler as I have developed breathing problems they make appointments but don't keep them,, anyone thinking of signing with clarion,read the reviews avoid them like the plague,I came from domestic violence to this place I thought I'd be happy and free,Im living in hell,I don't no who is worse my violent partner who abused me or clarion who are abusing me,as it's an abuse to violate TENNANT'S and Thier rights,I should have just stayed with my ex partner,!
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Posted 3 years ago
The service is appalling to say the least. Started a complaint before Christmas and still not got anywhere just excuses. I’ve been with them for 3 years and now I just want to move out and hand them their keys back. It’s been a depressing 3 years
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Posted 3 years ago
Rent gone up by £76.95 a month, contacted by phone they said someone will call(NOT) then did a webchat with adviser, they said they will put urgent contact on and they will phone me (NOT) then put on trustpilot bad review got call to ask why so i explained , she said will call back from rent dept and try to help put urgent (AGAIN NO CALL) so have posted on every place i can think off to get them to call and help, we are both in our mid 60s partner is pensioner and having to work to keep me as im in bad health and had to give up work in oct2020, we cant afford that amount of rent rise, and just fed up of being IGNORED ! WHY NO COMMUNICATION, WE DESERVE THAT AT LEAST!
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Posted 3 years ago
the worst housing association , we have mould in every room and now has got into the wood flooring ,shoes ruined clothes thrown away , the windows are all perished, All reported 21 months ago we have workmen come round regularly and repeat the same , my husband has a terminal illness the mould is getting in to his lungs , Macmillan have even phoned, how much longer before you do the work ,you do get the worst housing association trophy absolutely useless
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Posted 3 years ago
They loose personal data on a regular basis, I would recommend that they are reported to the ICO for a clear breach of data protection legislation.
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Posted 3 years ago
I have been chasing Clarion for 1 month and 2 weeks to get my electric vehicle (EV) charger of my parking lot working. I called Clarion Repairs 10 times so far and emailed them as well referring the Repair ticket reference...but I haven't received any solution or call. I am getting the same reponse over and over saying: the electric/mechanical team should reach out to me in the next 48hours. I haven't received any call. The EV charger wasn't decommisioned correctly in the first place - I asked Clarion to confirm that the EV charger was operating fine last April-2020, and they replied saying that the EV charger was working fine. So, 1 month ago, I bought an electric vehicle and when I tried to pug it in to charge the vehicle - the charger was not working. Clarion knows about this situation but no one is doing anything about it.
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Posted 3 years ago
Clarion Housing Group is rated 1.2 based on 129 reviews