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The Thompson Method Reviews

5.0 Rating 298 Reviews
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About The Thompson Method:

The Thompson Method is a gentle, evidence based method towards a gentle birth and pain-free breastfeeding experience. It was created by Dr Robyn Thompson, a midwife with over 45 years experience who was awarded a PhD for her research into why so many women were being discharged from hospital with painful nipple trauma and other breastfeeding complications such as engorgement & mastitis.

The Thompson Method challenges the forceful breastfeeding techniques, linked with painful nipple trauma, that are commonly taught in most hospitals. It’s for ALL women who want to breastfeed, but particularly those giving birth in the hospital system because it offers a gentle alternative to help women AVOID the most common and painful breastfeeding complications.

But it’s more than just the technique on how to get a good latch. It is that, but it’s so much more...

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The Thompson Method 5 star review on 18th September 2024
Lauren H
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 18th September 2024
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 9th September 2024
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 4th September 2024
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 27th August 2024
Elizabeth B
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 7th August 2024
Brianna C
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 4th August 2024
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
I haven't had the pleasure of applying the Thompson Method with a new baby as of yet. I purchased because I came across the program after such a long search for answers on why my breastfeeding journey went so badly for my baby and I both. I plan on another child and wanted to feel comfortable and confident in my ability. The program brought that ans so much more to my finger tips. I've never seen a support system like this which was so empowering. All of my questions were answered - everything made sense as to what happened in my first and traumatic breastfeeding journey. I'm incredibly thankful and look forward to using my newfound knowledge and tools come time for my next child.
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Posted 2 years ago
I came across the Thompson Method when I was pregnant with my second child. I tried to breastfeed my eldest but between tongue tie and severe nipple truama I did not last very long. I wanted this time to be different. After discussing the cost with my husband we decided that it was worth a try. I am so glad we did. I watched all the videos and actually decided to have a homebirth off the back of it (which is fortunate as he came extremely quickly). We did our skin to skin straight away and I used the videos a lot the first couple of weeks to tweak his position. My youngest also has a tongue tie but I had the confidence to trust our journey and adjust his position rather than getting his tongue 'fixed'. I am really grateful that I have been able to feed my son pain free. I just wish I knew about this when I had my eldest.
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Posted 2 years ago
The Thompson Method is amazing. My son and I are 14 months into our breast feeding journey and this method helped us get here. The Thompson Method app plus the Facebook group helped me through low supply, latching issues and teething. I would recommend The Thompson Method to any mom looking to breast feed. It doesn't matter if you're a first time mom or a mom of three like myself you'll learn techniques that are helpful and the Thompson community is super supportive. I love it! I added 2 photos of some funny moments my little and I have had recently.
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 23rd April 2022
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Posted 2 years ago
The Thompson Method is amazing. My son and I are 14 months into our breast feeding journey and this method helped us get here. The Thompson Method app plus the Facebook group helped me through low supply, latching issues and teething. I would recommend The Thompson Method to any mom looking to breast feed. It doesn't matter if you're a first time mom or a mom of three like myself you'll learn techniques that are helpful and the Thompson community is super supportive. I love it!
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Posted 2 years ago
The Thompson Method program is worth every penny. Dr Robyn’s knowledge and commitment to helping every step along a woman’s breastfeeding journey is incredible (and priceless). I literally spent $1000’s on lactation consultants and pediatricians with my first baby and no one could help. 2nd time around, signed up for Dr Robyn’s program and it’s been the most incredible experience. My milk supply is plentiful and there’s NO PAIN whatsoever. I just wished I found you before I had my first. Thank you for all that you do to help us women.
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Posted 2 years ago
14 months of absolute breastfeeding bliss all thanks to the knowledge and support of the Thompson Method. I’ll forever be grateful for the opportunity to exclusively breastfeed my girl and create an everlasting bond! Thank you Dr Robyn, team and incredible community. ♥️
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Posted 2 years ago
We have made it to 1 year exclusively breastfeeding. ❤ I could not have done this without the knowledge the program has given me. Thank you Dr. Robyn and team! I purchased while pregnant because this is my 3rd baby but my first time breastfeeding. I wanted to learn as much as I could before I had delivered. The knowledge was amazing and the empowerment was priceless. I felt great going into it. I had some pain and got a quick response from a member of the team and was corrected and have been pain free except when teeth came in 😳🤣 we made it 1 year. With no end in sight.
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 17th April 2022
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Posted 2 years ago
Just wanted to say thanks to Dr. Thompson and all the beautiful, wonderful support people we have here. Our breastfeeding journey has come to end and I am very happy with the results. Some back story - I breastfed my son for 390 days using a nipple shield the entire time. We were never able to fully wean off the shield so we just kept with it. I had good supply and we made due with the situation but I never really enjoyed breastfeeding. In fact, I disliked it and it felt like a chore. This time around with my daughter, I wanted to be better prepared. I took the course. I felt ready to be in a better position with breastfeeding. She came fast and furiously, no time for drugs, we had many golden hours together and I followed the method to the best of my ability. We had some bumps (nipple pain, biting 😬) but we made it through with care and support from the team. I still didn't love breastfeeding but I didn't hate it this time either. We weaned a couple weeks ago as she was really not taking much anymore and had begun to bite again so we ended our time with breastfeeding. We made it to 385 days. My goal was always a year so thank you for helping me achieve that. Pic of baby girl who's hair has become quite unruly lol ❤️
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 14th April 2022
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Posted 2 years ago
This week marked 6 months of breastfeeding my little one!!! Here are a couple of pictures of us at 2 months (left) and at 6 months (right). You might be able to tell in the 2-month photo that I had been crying. My lactation consultant had told me I had very low supply, that my baby wasn’t getting enough food, and that I would starve my baby and dry up further if I didn’t do triple feeding with pumping and formula. I was DEVASTATED. I asked my husband to take that 2-month picture because I thought every feed was one of our last and wanted pics to remember my breastfeeding time. I was so sad and tired from triple feeding that we actually went to stay with my parents for a while so that my mom could take care of me while I took care of baby. While I was there, my mom and I started taking the Thompson Method course online, and we also had a rescue session with Rachael. It turned my whole feeding experience around and reframed my understanding of supply. No more pain, no more pumping, and NO MORE TRIPLE FEEDING. I still struggle with fear about supply because my lactation consultant scared me so bad early on, but baby is thriving and having plenty of dirty diapers, and he’s now above average for length, so I know he’s growing! I’m forever grateful to the Thompson Method team for helping us make it to 6 months!!! Hoping to keep at it for many more months!!! P.S. I really struggled with whether to try the Thompson Method course because I had already spent around $2k on treatments (including tongue tie releases, baby physical therapy, supplements, creams, massagers, etc.) but the course and the rescue program have been the two BEST things I spent money on as part of my breastfeeding journey. 100% worth it. And guess what, after completing them, I haven’t ended up having to buy anything else!
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 12th April 2022
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Posted 2 years ago
Thanks to the Thompson Method we have made it to 3 months of exclusively breastfeeding - a quarter of the way to our goal of one year! I started the program when I was 38 weeks pregnant and I could not be happier with all of the knowledge I received. I know if I had only gone by what the nurses were telling me in the hospital - forceful techniques, asymmetrical latching that leads to nipple damage, etc. - we would not be here today. This road can be challenging at times but I would not trade it for the world. Thank you to Dr. Thompson and her amazing team!
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 11th April 2022
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Posted 2 years ago
Amazing programme! As a first time mum it has given me such confidence to trust myself and my body. Our boy was premature and I was told by nurses in the hospital we would never breastfeed successfully and he would ALWAYS need bottles. Well after nearly 3 weeks of pumping and bottle feeding we switched to exclusive breastfeeding and never looked back! With access to the content forever and being able to ask for help in their group has been well worth the money! I'm so glad I decided to buy. The girls are so lovely and supportive. I am 11months breastfeeding my little boy and I really hope he wants to feed for so much longer! I used to think I would breastfeed if I could and generally thought we wouldn't breastfeed for very long, as I have a lot of aversion to my nipples being touched/breasts exposed. But I am loving the experience! I now dream of tandem feeding my gorgeous boy and our next baby and knowing I still have all the content there to read through and all the support from the girls I feel confident taking on this next experience. Thank you.
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Posted 2 years ago
I am so grateful to have found The Thompson Method. Being a first to Mom there were a lot of unknowns. There's pregnancy, labor, birth and everything that comes afterward. But learning the Thompson Method has made my breastfeeding journey so magical. We are now 4 months EBF and loving it.
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Posted 2 years ago
My goal was to breastfeed for a year; there were several ups and downs, times I thought I wouldn’t make it. The support and guidance from this program is priceless. Every piece of advice is consistent and backed by decades of research. I breastfed for 18 months, and could not have done it without the Thompson Method teaching me how to trust my own instincts and be sure in all the decisions I made. I am forever grateful I found this program!!
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Posted 2 years ago
I just wanted to say thank you to the team for making our breastfeeding journey so pleasant! This is my second child being breastfed; this time around has been so much easier because of the guidance you have provided. We are 6 weeks in and we both have been healthy throughout. By to listening to the videos and Q&As, I felt confident and empowered to know what to do from the first moments after birth to now. Here is my son, Elias "resting and digesting."
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 26th March 2022
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Posted 2 years ago
This weekend we will reach our one year breastfeeding goal. Never in a million years did I think I would accomplish this goal. I failed to breastfeed my first 3 and when I fell pregnant with my fourth I was resigned to the fact that I will probably not be successful again. That was until I saw a video of Dr Robyn talking about the 3 golden hours and a forceful breastfeeding techniques. Something inside of me clicked. Everything Dr Robyn talked about made so much sense to me because I had been through it. From that moment on I knew I had to learn more. Dr Robyn’s program changed everything for me. It should be taught in all hospitals around the world. I owe my breastfeeding success to Dr Robyn and her amazing team. It’s a bittersweet moment for me. I really wish I’d found The Thompson Method when I pregnant with my first, but so grateful to have been able to breastfeed with my last 💕
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Posted 2 years ago
In so many ways, I cannot believe I am even writing this post and my journey is coming to an end! Me and my bubs have almost reached 16 months! The beginning is so hard, around the clock feeding, trying to get into a groove together and relax all at the same time and then click it all happens and it gets so amazing- the bonding that takes place is remarkable - the ease of it- no prep etc etc! A true symbiotic relationship!! We started weening at my babies lead- and this week seems like the end has arrived. I cannot thank this group enough for all the shared stories— so so helpful!!! Dr Thompson and to all the admin that make this page what it is- amazing- thank you!!!! Forever grateful that i got to share this experience with my baby! My first child never latched-and this was so important for me!! Thank you thank you thank you!! And to all the mamas out there questioning it- you can do it!!! You got this!!! A picture of me and my lil guy saying the Thompson Method is #1!!!!
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 25th March 2022
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Posted 2 years ago
Yesterday was Baby Boy’s 1st Birthday! Which also means him and I made it to ONE YEAR of Breastfeeding!! 💚 I did not do every single thing that this method suggested, 100% of the time but the one thing I ALWAYS did, as recommended, was trust myself and listen to my body and my baby! I credit this method/program for helping me gain the confidence needed to not only advocate for myself and baby when he was born but also to combat my own anxiety and insecurities about breastfeeding and trust that I knew and still know what I’m doing. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for this program and thank you for this group! I’m so so happy that it is my Baby’s Birthday but I’m also so proud of me for not giving up on our breastfeeding journey!
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 18th March 2022
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Posted 2 years ago
I am so incredibly thankful that I found the Thompson Breast Feeding method- without doubt one of the best investments I made leading up to the birth of my first child, Maggie. She was born after a stressful 37+ active labour and an emergency c-section. I have never felt exhaustion quite like it. Maggie was also born with a tongue tie- her tongue forms a little heart. Thanks to the amazing videos, I had the confidence to say NO I don't want her tie cut and NO I don't want you to show me how to feed. Maggie has been amazing, she dropped just 40g at her day 5 weigh in & I have not had to use nipple cream at all. This is all, without doubt, down to this amazing program. Thank you!!
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Posted 2 years ago
It took me several weeks to pluck up the courage to purchase the Thompson Method. After searching for breastfeeding help I had come across many that lacked substance and cost the earth. I almost didnt bother looking into the Thompson Method as it seemed too cheap. But I'm so glad I did. The breastfeeding support is so personal and effective, but before I even got to that stage, the in depth labour and birthing information and extensive birth plan provided, made me realise I had made the best decision I could have. From having two previous children, both with quite awful deliveries and who I was unable breastfeed for more than a few weeks each, to having my little boy on my terms, the way I wanted too, and currently at 3 months of exclusive breastfeeding. The guidance and encouragement of the team has been my support system that has seen me keep going when hurdles popped up, no matter the time of day, a quick post on the Club page and I had personalised help to get us back on track. If I could, I would do whatever I could to assure every mumma that they would get amazing benefit from the Thompson Method and they should jump in with both feet. Its the best thing I did. X
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 7th March 2022
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Posted 2 years ago
One year of breastfeeding I did it! I breastfed my 3rd baby for a whole year! I feel so proud to be able to make this post. But to be honest, I’m not like the majority of mom’s when it comes to breastfeeding. I feel embarrassed to share this, but I didn’t love it. I am so glad to be at 1 year and looking forward to weaning. I see a lot of mamas sharing how much they love and enjoy breastfeeding, but for me, I did it for the sake of my baby because I truly believe that human milk is for human babies - and that’s what motivated me to continue on through this journey. If you can relate to me, I just want to cheer you on. You can do this! It didn’t help that I didn’t have a ton of support. Everyone around me would drop comments like, “too bad you’re breastfeeding, I can’t help you with the baby so you can get a break.” When my son was about 6 months old, people would say, “isn’t he too big to still be breastfeeding?” Or things like, “you should just give him a bottle and formula. It would be so much easier for you.” But two quotes that kept me going through all these negativity were: “Breastmilk. Never been recalled.” And “Breastfeeding is 90% determination and 10% milk.” Of course, I couldn’t have done it without The Thompson Method! The biggest support for me was the Facebook group. The admins were always so quick to respond and share resources to my questions and give peace to my doubts. Before my first baby was born, I did so much research on breastfeeding. I watched so many YouTube videos and even listened to all the ways the lactation consultants taught me. Nonetheless, I couldn’t latch my first baby and was pressured by my mom to give him formula in the hospital. He preferred bottles, so I pumped for 3 months before quitting. With my second baby, I thought I learned so much from my first. I did more research and watched even more videos. My second baby latched, but using all the wrong techniques (like nipple to nose), I quit due to nipple pain. I was so sore, tore up, bleeding, and in pain that I was literally in tears every time he latched. I cried the whole feed and said, “ow, ow, ow!” That I had to quit. My mental and physical health was going down the drain and fast! So finally, for my third baby, I decided to purchase The Thompson Method as a last ditch effort. I told myself that if I paid for a program and still couldn’t breastfeed, I would come to peace with it. Well let me tell you, it was worth every penny!!! I want to shout to the world and to every mama planning to breastfeed, do it The Thompson Method way! The education that I was provided was beyond anything I could have googled on the web or watched on YouTube. I justified it like this, “if my husband can slip $100 into a slot machine and risk losing it all, I can spend $100 on this breastfeeding program.” And also, “If I am willing to buy a $150 bassinet that my baby will only use for less than 6 months, I can spend $100 on this breastfeeding program that can help me feed naturally for a whole year.” And guess what? I have spent exactly $0 on formula because I was able to feed my baby my breastmilk, pain free and successfully! Like I said, truth be told, I didn’t love breastfeeding, but I definitely didn’t hate it. And I am so proud of us! We made it to one year! So for any mamas who can relate to me, it’s worth it! Keep going and one year will come before you know it. Thank you, Dr. Robyn and your team!
The Thompson Method 5 star review on 4th March 2022
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Posted 2 years ago
The Thompson Method is rated 5.0 based on 298 reviews