“I phoned to pay an outstanding payment whilst the property was vacant and asked if they could send an electrician to the property to extend some sheathing around wires to the meter as my electrician said they were potentially dangerous. The woman said she had arranged for their engineer to go to the property that Friday! Great I thought, finally! I phoned Thursday to check that the engineer was still going as I'd booked time off work to let them in...turns out the engineer hadn't been booked in and they weren't going to tell me either...I could have been sitting waiting for hours at a substantial cost to myself...I've had enough of these bull shitters, if it's nothing to do with them making money they will tell you anything to get you off the phone even if it means leaving an issue potentially dangerous. They couldn't even call me to let me know.”
“I give Ovo Energy a negative score, I would give street corner thug a higher score.
Ovo Energy’s actions are in the sphere of criminality and wilful endangerment. Ovo energy have powered down the gas smart meter into hibernation mode and powered up twice using remote S.M.E.T.S. commands without having an engineer in my flat when powering up. For powering down with remote SMETS commands could trigger a full shut down and when powered up and no engineer present to re-ignite the pilot light, there is a real danger of gas buildup and explosion, endangering myself, neighbours and passing pedestrians. The meters are not smart and they rely on cheaply made fragile components and non-infallible programming. This gas “ smart ? “ meters are vulnerable to multiple sources intentionally or not.
Energy suppliers call them credit balances. This is not true. You and your supplier have entered into a trust agreement regarding your funds in your bank account, that your supplier won’t abuse your trust via direct debit draw downs. It is a ‘Trust Fund’. There are strict rules that apply to trust funds. The supplier can only use your funds to pay for the energy that you use with VAT added and future purchases of block gas made ( which has to be paid back ) and that’s it. In December 2022 Ovo energy wanted an upfront payment of £ 453.02 not to increase my direct debit without merit but done so anyway. I’m a low energy user, at the end of my contract with Ovo energy I had a surplus of £900+, nearly a year and a half of my usual energy usage in surplus. The question arises, had Ovo energy put any of my surplus trust fund into any types of interest payment accounts or other ventures without my permission? I ask myself. It would certainly explain matters thus, it would be in the sphere of extortion/embezzlement, I would think.
After Ovo energy powered down the gas meter into hibernation causing a data blackout, Ovo energy issued estimated billing readings and deduction of monies plus VAT, for the remaining billings. I did not power down the meter into hibernation. Ovo energy can not charge me for estimated billings because I pay standing charges, ‘Back Billing ‘ Ofgem state you only pay for the the actual energy that you use and in the smart metering implementation programme by the Department of Energy & Climate Change gov.uk in their technical specifications version 2 for gas smart meters must be able to record: billing data, consumption, daily read data and half hourly profile data. It seems that Ovo energy are in breach of the above thus, they would be in the sphere of embezzlement of my trust funds held at Ovo energy.
On 12th March 2024 when Ovo energy powered up the gas ( smart ? ) meter, Ovo energy had added an extra 56.6m3 of usage that “ I had not used “ via their remote SMETS command. I live in a one bedroom first floor flat where I get the morning and afternoon sun light and heat percolating from the flats beside and from below. The Met Office started that it was the warmest winter (23-24) on record. On one site listed over 130+ remote SMETS commands and other sites mention many more thus, this is in the sphere of embezzlement/fraud.
In 2017 SSE Ltd and others founded a company called Maple C Ltd, whom were to procure and install smart meters across Britain. Ovo energy would later become a partner of Maple Co Ltd. Question is why did these 2 energy suppliers not purchase the meters directly from Landis & GYR ?. Maple Co Ltd was sold in 2020.”
“Cheating and lying.
I had been charged 3 times more for gas over 18 years.
I am owed close to 10 000 pounds without added interest.
I proved with evidence from the National Grid database and Xoserve plus gas engineers working for Cadent, that my meter is imperial and measuring single units of cubic feet.
Instead I am billed in cubic meters, which is 2.83 times more
I have to go to court.
They are simply stealing and lying.
I wanted to upload a picture but it wouldn't let me.
Change to Octopus!!!”
“All six of these energy companies starting from next month will be introducing from themselves to all of us all out here if you do not pay them with the 2-week window to them themselves or not they will be introducing to all of us out here for using their own gas & electric with them late fees to your own bills from them to you yourselves from next month late fees for not paying them on time or not late fees to your own accounts for using their own supply services to you for using their own gas & electric supply services to your own properties starting from next month the 1st/08/2024 of August time of 2024 at OVO energy.
This obnoxious & too-faced arrogant company that they really are themselves at OVO energy full stop are going to starting introducing from next month the 1st/08/2024 of August time of 2024 late fees to your own accounts at OVO energy.
OVO are going to apply to your own gas & electric accounts with themselves to you yourselves starting from next month late fees to your own accounts at OVO energy for using their own gas & electric usage with them at OVO energy to millions upon millions of customers from next month at OVO energy from next month for late fees if you do not pay them in the lot time limit allowed from next month to themselves to you full stop on time to your own accounts at OVO energy.
This is going to impact each & every one of you heavily to you with your own credit scoring with the banks & building societies & much more to starting from next month to at OVO energy to millions upon millions of customers from next month at OVO energy.
“All six of these energy companies starting from next month will be introducing from themselves to all of us all out here if you do not pay them with the 2-week window to them themselves or not they will be introducing to all of us out here for using their own gas & electric with them late fees to your own bills from them to you yourselves from next month late fees for not paying them on time or not late fees to your own accounts for using their own supply services to you for using their own gas & electric supply services to your own properties starting from next month the 1st/08/2024 of August time of 2024 at OVO energy.
This obnoxious & too-faced arrogant company that they really are themselves at OVO energy full stop are going to starting introducing from next month the 1st/08/2024 of August time of 2024 late fees to your own accounts at OVO energy.
OVO are going to apply to your own gas & electric accounts with themselves to you yourselves starting from next month late fees to your own accounts at OVO energy for using their own gas & electric usage with them at OVO energy to millions upon millions of customers from next month at OVO energy from next month for late fees if you do not pay them in the lot time limit allowed from next month to themselves to you full stop on time to your own accounts at OVO energy.
This is going to impact each & every one of you heavily to you with your own credit scoring with the banks & building societies & much more to starting from next month to at OVO energy to millions upon millions of customers from next month at OVO energy.
“This obnoxious & arrogant too-faced company that they really are themselves at OVO energy full stop are going to starting from next month the 1st/08/2024 of August time of 2024 at OVO energy.
OVO are going to apply to your own gas & electric accounts with themselves to you yourselves starting from next month late fees to your own accounts at OVO energy for using their own gas & electric usage with them at OVO energy to millions upon millions of customers from next month at OVO energy from next month for late fees if you do not pay them in the lot time limit allowed each & every month to them full stop on time to your own accounts at OVO energy.
This is going to impact each & every one of you heavily to you with your own credit scoring with the banks & building societies & much more to starting from next month to at OVO energy to millions upon millions of customers from next month at OVO energy.
“This company is a joke. If I could give a negative score I would. My daughter has moved into a new flat in London and has no electricity. She requested a key for her meter and was told they would send it out immediately. After nine days they eventually admitted that they had not sent it but would send an engineer to do an emergency top up. The operator also said they would bring her a key. The engineer turned up and was a smart meter fitter, unable to do a top up and with no key. Total lies and incompetence from their operators. Today they say she will have to wait three days for them to send her a key they originally claimed they sent ten days ago so we have had to check into a hotel for the night. Hang your heads in shame ovo.”
“It would be 0 stars if that was an option to rate OVO. Awful service. Too expensive. You don't know / understand what they charge - how they make up tariffs. You get charged even for energy you don't use. The bills are very difficult to understand. The standing charge is supposed to (I learned today from an OVO adviser) cover from the maintenance of the meter. What do they do to maintain a meter? I have an old meter and I have asked many times for them to come and investigate as they said it is overclocking! Why am I being charged for the maintenance? Prices change every month. they blame OFGEM. They put you without your consent on the tariffs that are not suitable to you. They also charge the same rates for day and night rates. Costumer service is hopeless as they have been trained to say what the company tells them to say - basically not really helpful. It takes long time to get through to them and most important issues never get resolved. OVO causes a lot of STRESS!!!”
“My onine account has been off line now 18months no one seems to no when you phone to speak about this all they say is we don't no when also I am in debt now never before have you defaulted my account because you turned it of”
“Where to start? After purchasing an apartment last year, charged me 300 quid for a 6-week period when the apartment was empty before it was tenanted. Then sent debt collectors after me who threatened me with a criminal record when they claimed I owed them money for a period of time that I did not even own the property. Correct - a period of time where I did not own the property! Now I have received a random bill for April to May where the apartment is tenanted, and I don't even live there!”
“Worst company I have ever had the displeasure to deal with. Three times, I tried to switch. Three times I gave them all my details including bank details and Three times they 'lost' all the information. Dealing with them on the phone is an absolute nightmare as they don't speak very clear English. They don't have a clue and need lessons in customer service. I have now sucesssfully switched to e-on who were brilliant and sent confirmation within 5 minutes”
“This is without doubt the worst company I have ever dealt with. These sharks over charged me by £3k & made me wait over 25 weeks for them to pay back what was rightly mine. I dealt with over seven customer care operators (all of them were useless) & super unhelpful. All told a pack of lies & made up some rubbish about them not having the correct metre on records. After going to the Energy Ombudsman's to help me with this, they were the only ones who really helped me. They were superb from start to finish. This company turns over £5 billion a year & they are all told not pay back their clients money which is owed to them. I’ll be leaving these sharks as the thought of these imbeciles taking anymore of my money makes me feel sick.
“Totally disgraceful. I shall leave an account of my 7 days with them (and the 3 months since).
We moved into a property already served by Ovo, we initiated a switch straight away to another provider we have experience with. We gave all our move in meter readings and then we gave more meter readings 7 days later which is when the switch occurs. These have also been passed on with photo evidence to be sure.
Since then we have had 4 final bills, we have paid over £100 for those 7 days (just myself and my wife live here and we were not running the heating that week) and have had numerous harassing phone calls demanding money from us. I honestly don’t know what is going on over there or why they can’t get it right but after finally getti by confirmation that we are paid up with everything, they now say we owe more still, way over what we calculated it to be but it was exactly what they said down to the kWh. To be clear, we have paid what they said we owed, the meter readings and their calculations all check out and yet they are still asking for more money.
Each call is opened with a confusing and vaguely threatening spiel about how we owe money and we need to pay now and all calls came on the same day the bill was generated, not after, before we even had a chance to look over it and work out what is going on.
Avoid these predatory pirates like the plague and go with someone Which? recommended for the love of everything you hold dear.”
“the worst supplier I have ever dealt with, I am still in a never ending loop to get my account moved over to another supplier after 10 months of trying (since buying a new house and trying to move suppliers). Despite the energy ombudsman getting involved and concluding that OV O are totally in the wrong and putting together a 6 point process for OVO to follow, they have not do so and continue to chase me for payment of an account that should be at zero and have closed months ago. Truly the worst.”